Chapter 27

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A/N: I hope you will read the last Author's note. Important information has been given there. Please read that.

And... Please make yourself comfortable, preferably sit in a cosy place with snacks if you want.

This chapter is just 100 words least than 8k words. No joking.

You might want to read this a little slow, for it has a lot of information.


I stared at the female before me as her energy was sucked again by the chains that bound her.

"You," I breathed. "You are Luna?"

She nodded calmly as though she was not suffering. "I am."

I stood up and began pacing. That was when I realised that there was an invisible circle around her past which I could not get closer. It was warding me off.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I made a mistake," she said. "A huge one. I am here for my punishment."

I wanted to scoff. "You made a mistake?"

She took in a deep breath although I knew she did not need to. "Yes. Sit down so I can tell the answers to all your questions."

As if her word was my command, I sat down before her about ten feet away. "How do you know my questions?"

She tilted her head. "I am the one who cared for you all in the past years. I mean, ever since Cosmos erased the Warrior's memory of the pulsars, my mother and I were the ones who cared for you. My mother still has Volans and Ophiucus under her care."

I licked my lips and glanced up to see the same sky. So, all those flashes were indeed my memory. But what had happened?

"I can understand the question that is going on in your mind, Lyra," Luna said. "Not only your memory was taken, but your identity. Ever since Cosmos saw Volans and Ophiucus, she went crazy. I purposefully brought you in the Maze because it will help with your memory. To hasten the process, perhaps, I will tell you something about Cosmos and Chaos."

My identity was taken? Who was I to begin with? What was I?

"Polaris refuses to tell me how the universe was before as we know came to be. He was one of the four people who put Cosmos and Chaos on the throne," Luna began, with a wistful smile on her face. "They refuse to tell the race they belong to, but the seat they sit on is made of the dust of millions of lives before them. No one knows if they are siblings, but most say they are so. Brother and sister, opposites of the same thing, creation and destruction. For in every destruction lies creation and every creation has destruction. They created the law and order of the universe that exists now."

Chaos? I heard this term in those memory flashes.

"Cosmos and Chaos, they nearly killed all the lives that existed before them and the few who had pledged to them, they took their memory. In short, they abused the power they got until they realised what it was meant to be a ruler and that they should not be taking what was granted. Hence, they began to create souls," Luna continued. "Souls, they are a form of energy. There was energy before us and there would be so after us. Cosmos and Chaos know how to melt that raw energy and give them form. They knew how to convert this energy into life."

"Energy and life?" I mused. "Sort of makes sense."

"The higher the energy they used to create a life, higher would be the power it possessed," Luna said.

I nodded. "There is no loss and no extra creation."

"The first few souls they created," Luna said. "They are the strongest of them all. Some were woken from their creation and some are still asleep. Some are made to protect this part of the universe and some to others. You might know them first-generation stars."

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