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A/N: With tears in my eyes, I finally hit the complete button. This epilogue may contain major spoilers... but if you want to know the end of the characters of this book, you can read. 

Other minor characters who appeared in Aries will have their end shown in other books. I know, Harper's fate, Rionach's fate, Antlia's future and everything is not explained. I hope you will read the next part (Author's note on why this was done) 

Anyway, the word count: 2547. Total word count as of now: 16,428.

Enjoy the last part! 


Aries POV

In spite of the childish competition they had between them, the human hands he took for living on earth found hers. The second he intertwined their fingers, he felt her giggle next to him.

And by Cosmos, her laugh was everything. It was worth everything. After all, they had been through in the past years, this unbridled laughter of hers was music to his ears. Even the original tune sung at the birth of the universe could not hold a light to this melody.

When Leo had met them, he kept teasing how he was whipped for her, but who could say anything? Lyra was his everything. Not like Leo was faring any better himself.

Simultaneously, they landed on the land of West Pack. Although the war that took place here ten years ago changed everyone's lives, the land remained the same. The grass still grew and the flowers still bloomed, but even nature took five years to recover.

He searched her face. There was not a hint of sadness in them. In fact, her golden eyes glowed brightly like it was the sun itself. Seeing that honeyed warmth, he sighed. What had he been doing in his life before he met her?

Her lush lips curled to a smile and those tiny crinkles near her eyes told him how ecstatic she was. He lived for this. To see that shine in her face.

"Aries?" Lyra called him. "Ready?"

He nodded. They had gotten amazing news from Antlia and Lyra begged Ant for her to be the one to call them to the palace. And so, they were here.

Just as expected, the Alpha pair came to greet them. Cain's green eyes met his and Lyra's brother nodded at him. Cain came to know who he was. Apparently, after he knew, his memories of his past life returned and he told them the reason he fell.

Cain claimed he was happy being an Alpha and that he would take his position as a star, not a Warrior after his time on earth was over. And his mate said she would do the same.

Liv smirked at Lyra and that glint on the female Alpha's eyes was not something he would trust. But Lyra returned that same evil grin and pulled her sister-in-law away.

Cain judged him. "Lyra is still with you."

"Expected her to break up with me?" Aries inquired, folding his arms across his chest. "We are Soul-Bounds, Cain. You can't do anything."

"Whatever," Cain mumbled but then led him to the packhouse.

The aroma of different spices used in a perfect blend reached his nose and Aries frowned. Who was cooking?

When Rhaze came out of the kitchen, he took a step back. Rhaze was family and everything, but her cooking could kill even a star.

Rhaze rolled her eyes. "You think I was cooking? Kaina was."

With that, Rhaze munched on a burrito and plopped herself on a seat at the dining table.

"Eating before lunch, Rhaze?" Cain commented as he took his seat. "Make sure to have space in that stomach of yours for lunch."

AriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon