Chapter 22

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A/N: I know I am late with my update, but please understand me, guys. I know that you want an updating schedule and all, I get it.
But relentlessly asking me to update is not going to do the trick. I have said that I am having a lot of exams. I am having another one in another two days. I have to write around my tight schedule.
So, if I am late in my update, it is because of my exams. Please understand.

On a further note, please enjoy this chapter.

I tried my best in this chapter. Hopefully, this chapter can make the wait worth. I took a lot of time to get the feeling right, but if it not, let me know. I will see what I can do.

This chapter inspired by the video above and the picture below.

I have met four stars in my life and Mizar was the first one I wanted to strangle.

I had felt that burning fury eroding my nerves and roaring in my ears only twice in my life. First when Ethan said he killed Aurelia and my father and second when he wanted me to breed for him.

This would be the third time and I doubted whether I would hold myself back.

As if sensing what I was feeling, Aries took my hand in his and squeezed it. He then pushed me by his side and looked at me. Giving me his complete attention. Ignoring everyone else.

"Calm down," he whispered. "Allow him to explain."

I did not know whether he had commanded me or it was the softness on his cosmic silver eyes, but whatever it was, I relaxed but remained alert.

"What?" Miguel croaked out, finding his voice. "What do you mean?"

I could not bring myself to turn around to see him. I could not bear to see the soul-shattering pain, I knew I could see it carved on his face. I simply could not.

When I had offered him the rank, it was because I was desperate to save him. I did not have much choice to bring him from the pain he thought he hid from me. As much as I wanted to heal him, I knew Miguel would not allow me in. Not even his own Alpha. Ever since I realised that I swore never to bring Kenna's name. If I could not pull him up, the least I could do was not to push him down.

But when Mizar uttered those words, it had not been only my rage. It was my pack's fury and their wish to lash out. I could sense how protective they were over each other.

Even Reece and Mike who had no idea what was happening was agitated the second they felt Rhaze's anger. They did not know the cause, all they felt was a pack member being hurt and they could not stand it. To my surprise, I felt the anger even from Brent. Weird.

Mizar gulped and looked at Aries. "Aries-"

"Don't pull me in," he said, his eyes still focused on mine. "It is your tale to tell. I know it, I know what you are about to tell. But I am against this. Kendra should be here to tell this to him. Not you. Even if her name is etched on the Origins, she should have come. Not hid like a coward."

When he uttered the word Origins, that piece of memory flared in my mind. As I snapped out of that, Aries nodded and said in my mind. That's the one I am talking about

At Aries' words, Mizar's nostrils flared. "Like a coward? She is far from it. She was the one who broke the lock on Rionach's name. She literally shattered her soul doing so. She is healing."

Aries gave him a flat look. "I know what happened. Don't explain it to me."

Mizar then looked at me. "Alpha? Can we go somewhere private to speak?"

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