Chapter 17

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An: I did not plan to write this chapter this long. Nor did I plan to update today. It just happened. It's Fate.

Anyways, Enjoy!


What? I asked. Please tell me you are bluffing.

I wish I was, Reece replied. I found this only today morning. I did not believe the papers. That is until I saw Liv making out with Cain.

Raoul was Cain's son?

As much as I knew Cain was responsible enough, I had never imagined him to be a father. He never struck like one. Even Raoul did not look like him with his heterochromia. Thinking of it, his mismatched green eye did have an awful similarity to Cain's.

Cain is Liv's mate? I asked, recollecting the conversation I had with Mizar, Alioth's brother.

Yes, she said. He is.

I took in a deep breath. Anything else?

Why you never said you have met Zahra Lien? Reece asked me. She nearly gave me a heart attack.

Zahra? I asked, thinking of that sweet female who had offered me a home when many would have second thoughts about leaving me out. She is a kind female who gave me shelter, food and warmth. She is amazing.

I will agree only with the amazing part, Alpha, Reece said, her voice had a hint of awe. She is a total bad-ass. You should have seen her the way she handled Harper and Ethan. You would have shit your pants laughing.

I frowned. The evening sun whispered a million secrets to the sea with its gold and orange light. When it knew its time had come to leave, it left its friend with a parting gift of a cluster of diamonds sprinkled over it. The waves gently caressed the shore when the dusk turned to twilight. The stars marched out slowly, making a way for the Moon.

Zahra came to West pack? I asked as a wind blew, teasing my hair.

Yes, Reece said. Apparently, Harper wanted Zahra to design her wedding dress and when Zahra came, she insulted her by making out with Ethan. She did not even spare Zahra a glance until she made herself known. So a pissed of Zahra said Harper had made an enemy out of her.

Strangely enough, I was no longer bothered by Ethan and Harper. When I heard the word wedding, I thought, it would ache, thought the dying bond between Ethan and I would weep and try to kill me slowly. Thought it would beg me to throw myself in his arms. But nothing happened.

I felt nothing about Harper and Ethan. They wanted each other, who was I to stop them? I did not care about them. And I knew it had something to do with the male who carried a scent that managed to stop my heart and make my soul purr like a cat. Whose gaze made me feel alive, whose presence calmed me. What was wrong with me? I had met him only a few days ago, for Moon's sake!

And Zahra? An enemy? Was this the same female vampire we were talking about?

Reece must have felt my confusion for she sent me an image of Zahra flinging Ethan across the room and chocking Harper. It was so colourful and it was a perfect way of ending an eventful day.

Ly? Reece asked, her voice filled with uncertainty. Are you alright? I mean about Ethan and Harper.

Why wouldn't I be? I replied, taking in a deep breath. The scent that haunted me day and night cocooned me. I am perfectly fine. It was only because of them, I am who I am now. I hate them for killing my father and Aurelia but if not for them, I would have never realised my potential.

AriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora