Chapter Thirty Four: Cold hands

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The gif up top is lowkey the vibe to this chapter. Issa good one I swear. Tehehe

Hux's pov

"Hux, you idiot." I murmured, running my hands through my freshly gelled hair. I had completely made a fool of ccmyself in front of Aerolynn. I couldn't believe I had almost told Aerolynn of my changing feelings for her. My emotions towards that girl were confusing, one minute I'd despise her and her boyfriend, I'd want them dead so that I could finally be in control of the First Order as I should have been. While other times I'd notice the way her eyes glimmered whenever she was passionate about something, or how she'd always bite her lip when she was thinking about something...

I groaned and pressed my palms to my face, my thoughts were way past just conflicting and were instead now in a full battle inside my mind. I didn't know how it happened, I thought I hated Aerolynn, but seeing her today, vulnerable and teary eyed my vile armor melted and it was as if I was seeing her through different eyes, and in all honesty... I didn't mind it.

I uncovered my face with my hands and looked up at where she had been standing before she left, I could still feel her warm skin under my hand, how smooth it was, and how it seemed to make my hand tingle with electricity. I then glanced up at her mug which was was still mostly full of the tea I had made for her, a slight smudge on the glass where her lips had been pressed to the glass.

My feelings had been flipping over and changing since I had broken up with Vera. Maybe I was in search of a rebound, honestly I had no idea, the only thing that I was sure of was my view on Aerolynn had changed and now I didn't know what to do. Vera had broken my heart, stomped and spit on it, and afterwards, seeing Ren and Aerolynn together and happy, looking at each other like nothing else mattered, made me crave what he had. It made me want her.

But it didn't even matter because they were getting married today! Today! I was the unluckiest man alive in this moment, I had realized my developing feelings for a girl who was getting married on the same day. I didn't know if it was karma, but whatever it was made me feel like a boy again, like a foolish lad who didn't know his place in his world. I hadn't felt like that in years, only Aerolynn could do that to me.

But why her? When I had been assigned with torturing and killing her and I was thrilled. Finally able to get my revenge on her for taking my place if Ren died to become Supreme Leader, and kill her. But now I couldn't bear the thought of hurting her. But she hated me! I was the man that whipped her bloody, she had all the right in the world to hate me, but I still admired her like a foolish man.

I wanted to bash my head into a wall for getting myself into this mess. I had to do something. And so I decided I was going to.

I stood up straight and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked rough but not unfixable, so I ran a comb through my hair, cleaned my face, and straightened out my suit. I was Kylo's best man, so I had to wear my best uniform and make sure that I looked completely perfect, the whole galaxy was going to be watching, and I was going to represent the First Order, so I could be nothing less than spotless.

I then walked out of my room after spraying some cologne and rushed down the hall to the ballroom where the wedding was happening. If scheduling was right Aerolynn should have been in the hidden hallway in front of where she would enter, so that's where I went.

My heart beat loudly inside my breast. I was thrilled with the idea that my taunting feelings that had been teasing me for so long might finally be relinquished. Whether or not Aerolynn agreed with me, at least I would get my feelings off of my chest and I'd finally be able to take a deep breath.

I walked briskly, my freshly shined shoes clicking on the almost empty corridor. Once I had made it to the door to the hallway I let out a breath, looking at my reflection in the window I then opened the door and walked in.

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