Chapter Twenty Six: Selfless vs. Selfish

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This chapter will be switching to Rey's perspective.

Kylo's Pov

"You're not doing it right." I growled, glaring at them, "you'll never be in tune with the force if you try to work against it." I said.

The two twins, Vera and Tiberius were before me, their hands outstretched as they both tried to lift water into the air. They had only gotten to the point where small ripples would travel through the water, not even a drop had gone into the air yet, and we had been working on this for a little over two hours.

And I was getting frustrated. Snoke had assigned me to working with the two force sensitives twins, on top of Aerolynn, since he was away. Which I was thankful for considering Hux had ratted Aerolynn and I out to Snoke. But I had yet to get my consequences because Snoke would be away for the next two weeks, working with another planet in hopes to get more resources for the First Order, not that we needed any.

"Did you ever consider that maybe you're just not a good teacher." Tiberius said under his breath. That was the last straw...

I stuck my hand out and froze him with the force, his sister Vera gasped, her eyes sparkling with fear and admiration for me. I rolled my eyes behind my mask, she had been at this all week. She was around my age but I was not interested. I'd never be interested.

"You're right, I'm not a teacher, I'm the leader of the Knights of Ren and heir apparent to Lord Vader, so I would watch your tongue." I said, before releasing my hold on him. He cowered away from me, stepping slightly behind Vera, who was twirling her hair and biting her lip, looking expectantly at me. I shuddered as disgust rolled in waves throughout my body. Nice try.

"This lesson is over, report to your cells." I said, Tiberius gave me a me a look before grabbing his still mesmerized sister and strutting out of the room, his thoughts a ragging mess. His temper was almost worse than mine.

I stood up, walking out of the room and to the place I had been to more than my own room recently. The hospital wing. My legs took me to the place where my love lay, broken and unconscious. I didn't know if it was our bond, or sympathy pain but I ached whenever I saw her, or whenever I was away from her. Every minute that she wasn't awake it got worse.

Aerolynn had been unconscious for a week, and in those seven days I haven't eaten, slept, or even spent a second without thinking about her. Every chance I got to to be by her side I would. The nurses would constantly scold me, saying that visiting hours were over but I didn't care, they were my lower and as much as they tried my word would always outweigh theirs.

Once I got to the room my breath was taken away once again by the sight of her. She was lying in bed, her dark hair fanned out around her in a brown halo. Her face was pale, her lips a slight shade of pink, and purple shadows apparent under her long eyelashes. She had multiple IV's hooked up to her arms, bruises apparent on her forearms where the careless nurses put them in the wrong places.

I let out a sigh and sat in the seat next to her bed. I looked down at her, my heart weighing nearly a thousand pounds. I stroked her face gently, I prayed she'd open her eyes, that I'd be able to see her beautiful brown orbs that I fell in love with. It hurt to just see her this... lifeless. It made me feel sick, that I had caused this. She should be awake and jumping with life. But instead she was bedridden.

"Wake up, beautiful." I said, grabbing her hand and lacing it with mine. I slowly brought it up to my lips, kissing each knuckle gingerly. It might have been my imagination, or my lack of sleep but I saw her eyelids flicker just barely. I leaned in closer, anxious now with excitement.

"If you're awake, give me a sign." I whispered gazing down at her. Her heartbeat accelerated just slightly and taking this as a sign, I kept whispering to her to try and move her fingertips, her toes, anything. I was desperate, but I didn't care, this was what I had been waiting for, for days.

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