Chapter Four: Escape

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Aerolynn's pov
I was walking down the hallway, stormtroopers on either sides of me, there guns trained on me while two were holding onto my bicep to keep me from thrashing out and attacking. Not that I would if I had the chance, I didnt want to hurt the stormtroopers, they did nothing wrong. I wanted to hurt Kylo Ren. After he had left me the way that he did (rookie mistake,) I was left to ponder what he did to me and my family. And the sadness that I had felt for my deceased family was replaced with a burning anger for Kylo Ren that threatened to consume me whole.

"You'll be staying in here." The stormtrooper behind me said as we came to a door in the hall. The door slid open revealing an all white room, with nothing but a single toilet in the back. I cringed away from it. The trooper shoved me inside the room, and I fell to the ground, wincing.

"Enjoy you stay Ms. Edina." He said, before the door closed again. I got to my feet and slammed into the door, I slapped my palms against it, calling out for anyone. I swore and walked away from the door knowing it was useless. I pressed my back against the wall and slowly slid down it until I was sitting down, my long legs splayed out in front of me. I was still in my clothes from Tatooine, I thought, grimly. I wrapped my arms around myself and buried my head in them, taking a deep breath. My shirt smelt like the soap we used to clean our clothes, tears pricked at my eyes as it reminded me of home.

I looked up, trying to distract myself from the loss of my family. The room itself wasn't big at all, but a mere maybe six by eight feet. The walls plain white and the floor was a black tiling. Up in either corners of the ceiling were two solid black camera. I glared up at the camera's and stuck my middle finger out to both of them, hoping Kylo Ren could see it.

After about two hours my back started to hurt and I was getting ancy. How long were they going to keep me in here? I stood up, stretching my hands above my head, making my back respond in multiple pops. I sat back down again realizing I had nothing better to do. I played with the ring on my finger, thinking of my father.

"I miss you." I whispered, hoping that somewhere they could hear me. "I miss you all so much, I'm so sorry." Tears gathered in my eyes but I didnt bother blinking, instead I let the world around me smear together into a mess of white and black.

Without meaning to I had fallen asleep, and slid down the wall so that I was now lying on the floor, my cheek pressed against the cold linoleum. I was awoken when the door slid open and a women came in. She looked like she was in her mid to late fifties, with slightly graying red hair. She was wearing all black and had a small smile on her face and a sympathetic look in her eyes. She felt sorry for me.

"Hello Ms. Edina." The woman said. I could see she had no weapons on her and I couldn't see any storm troopers outside.

"Aren't you scared I'm going to attack you?" I asked, my voice thick from sleep.

She shook her head, tucking in a stray piece of hair that fell from her bun back behind her ear. "I didn't think you would, considering you don't have much muscle on you, and your only defense system is your powers, which are currently being restrained." She said, her voice was sweet like honey, and made me feel calm, the way my mother's voice had. I looked up at her, knowing she was right, there was no way I was going to attack this lady.

"But, I do need you to stand up and follow me, I was ordered to bring you to the shower." She said. I looked down at myself, I could use one, my clothes were filthy with dirt and mud and my hair was covered in sand. I stood up and followed her out of the room, but before I knew what she was doing I felt something sharp prick my neck. I glanced up at her to see she had a device in her hand. My hand flew to my neck where I could feel a small piece of metal that had attached to my once smooth skin.

"What was that?" I asked.

"You didn't think I'd put all my trust in you, dear, did you?" She asked, "that needle is a device that can send an immense shock through you if you choose to do anything out of protocol." She said. I nodded my throat suddenly dry, so much for sweet old lady.

I followed her through the seemingly endless halls, staring at the back of her tight bun. I knew what I had to do if I had any hopes of escaping. I knew it was cruel and against my personal conduct, but i knew I had to if I ever wanted to get out of the Starkiller base. I bit my lip, guilt was already poking at me and making my stomach churn. "Um, miss?" I asked quietly. She turned around and that's when I made my move. I swung my bounded wrists at her using the hard material of the cuffs to knock her out cold. "I'm so, so, sorry." I said. I quickly bent down and rummaged through her pockets until I found a small metal key which I used to unlock my cuffs. I let out a sigh of relief as they fell from my wrists with a click. I muttered another rushed sorry to the woman before turning on my heel and running in the opposite direction.

I had no idea where I was going, all the hallways looked the same to me. I turned down one after the other until I was positive that I was officially lost. Then I heard the loud speaker come on. There was some brief static before an unfamiliar male voice said: "Prisoner 4324 has escaped, I repeat prisoner 4324 has escaped. She is extremely dangerous, and will need to be taken down immediately. I repeat she is extremely dangerous." I cursed out loud, how had they realized I had escaped so quickly?

"Hey! There she is!" Someone yelled at my left. I gasped as two storm troopers charged at full speed towards me. I shot my hands out in front of me and shot a blast of blue energy out towards them, they both fell to the ground, dead, there armor sizzling. I hopped over their bodies and ran as fast as I could. I rounded another corner only to be met with four troopers. They all looked at me and then to each other. Two of them pulled out their guns while the others started to run towards me. I let out a strangled scream, sending a shot of energy out towards the two and they flew back, I hoped they were just unconscious but I knew they were dead.

I looked back at the other troopers, who had their guns raised at me. I sent a shot of energy towards them but I was too slow because the blaster went off and hit me. I stumbled back, my legs collapsing under me. My stomach was on fire, I glanced down and a patch of blood was starting to blossom on my shirt on my lower abdomen. I let out a scream through my teeth, realizing I didnt have the time to stay here and rest, I had to keep going.

I stood up, using the wall for support, and leaving a trail of blood behind me. I stumbled down the hall, clutching at my stomach. The world was starting to spin around me and I could see the edges of my vision going dark. "Aerolynn!" Someone yelled behind me. I started to gather energy at my fingertips that I was ready to shoot out but then I was falling again, my body weak from blood loss.

The person who called out my name hovered above me, his hands were gripping at my stomach trying to stop the flow of blood, he was calling out for someone to get a nurse? I recognised him by his mask. Repulse flooded through me and I tried to scoot away from him but I was too weak. "Kylo-" I muttered not able to finish my sentence because my eyelids were slipping closed and it was too hard to open them again.

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