Chapter Thirty Two: A Warning

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"I don't want to hear it, Hux." I said, crossing my arms behind my back and turning around to face the large pan of glass in the conference room, revealing the bustling hangar below us. I studied the faces of the workers below, trying to distract my brain from the one thing I should've been focusing on the most.

"Ren, you are the only one that can make an official decision on this matter, unless, of course, you'd give your position to me if it is too hard for you to handle..." He said. I viciously turned around and glared at him, my nostrils flaring with anger. Almost immediately he snapped his jaw shut and his face paled. He clenched his jaw to stop himself from saying anything else that he knew would get him killed.

"If you insist, then play the damn video." I said, through my teeth. Hux did as he was told and clicked the button that projected the leader of the New Order onto the left wall. I looked at him, studying his features, he was a strange being. Not human, an alien. A large purple alien,with human like features, he had a head and arms and legs, but he was built like a mammoth, his muscles were nearly the size of my head and I was sure if I were to see him in person he'd be over nine feet tall. His eyes were like empty black pits and he had strange markings all over his body. He was intimidating to say in the least, and if I didn't have the force, he could probably best me in a fight.

"Hello Supreme Leader Kylo Ren." He said, his voice was deep and resonated throughout the room as if he was actually here, standing right in front of us. "I have heard that you have rejected our question of submission, and even denied alliance. You know how strong we are, but you have no idea what we're capable of. So, we are coming, and we will make you feel pain. He was reaching up his arm, like he was going to click off but then he turned towards the camera once again, smiling.

"Oh, and say hi to the pretty fiance, for me." The video then shut off, but with it my anger ignited. I grit my teeth so tightly that my jaw popped. My fingers itched to take out my saber and kill whoever was closest, who just so happened to be Hux... But I didn't, and instead clasped my hands together and turned towards him.

His words rang through my head, his last few words though seemed to be embedded into my brain, seared into it actually. How dare he mention Aerolynn? How dare he even think I'd tolerate him just thinking of her? As long as he was alive I'd never be satisfied.

"Prepare our forces, if he wants a battle, then he was going to get a war.

I slammed my fists into the punching bag over and over again until I was sure my knuckles were going to split. Sweat dotted my forehead and my hair was plastered to my face in a stringy damp mess. I let out a grunt as I continued to pound my fists into the sand filled bag. I had to get my anger out in one way or the other. I kept thinking of the meeting, of what happened, fear coursed through my veins at the thought of the leader of the New Order getting his hands on Aerolynn, it made me sick to my stomach. But more than it made me sick it made me angry. Furious.

Suddenly in a blur the punching bag I was hitting came off its hinges and flew across the room, hitting the wall angrily it slid down, splitting open and spilling it's sand contents onto the ground. Once the red had cleared out of my vision I turned towards Aerolynn who was staring at me, her gaze shifting from me to the deceased punching bag again and again.

I ripped my gaze away from her, wishing she couldn't feel what I was feeling through our bond. Because right now I could feel concern around her, concern and worry, but the worry wasn't about me, but about herself. Something was going on with her that she wasn't telling me. I ignored it, and told myself to talk to her later when I could be more gentle, and would be able to control my temper.

I ripped the wrapping off of my knuckles that did little to protect my knuckles which were now swollen and red from enduring the constant assault of the punching bag. I swore under my breath knowing I'd now wouldn't be able to box for at least two days. I always did this.

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