Chapter Ten: Hologram fighting

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Kylo's pov
I watched Aerolynn stir in her sleep, her eyes flickering behind her eyelids. She moaned slightly, muttering softly. I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes and letting myself slip into her mind. I eased myself into her head, so to not wake her.

I saw miles of sand, getting picked up and carried aimlessly through the wind. The sun nearly blinded me, it beat down on me, mercilessly. I lifted a hand to try and block the rays from my face. And then I saw her. Aerolynn.
She was in front of a group of four people that were lined up shoulder to shoulder, one woman, one man, and two young boys. All quivering and pale, with fear-stricken faces. Aerolynn let out a sob, fighting against the person who was keeping her in place.
"Let them go!" She yelled to the trooper in the silver armor. Phasma. "Please." She said, her voice cracking.
"Fire." Phasma said, emotionless. And then the four stormtroopers that had their guns raised behind each person shot their guns, one bullet, a perfect direct shot, a shot made to kill. The people crumbled to the ground, they must have been Aerolynns family, I recognized them from when I reached into her mind the night I kidnapped her. Guilt stabbed at my chest, I was to blame for her family's death. I was the one that told Phasma to kill every villager in sight that wasn't Aerolynn Edina.
"No!" Aerolynn shrieked, falling against the mans chest. I looked up at the mans face, and I saw not some stranger but me. I was emotionless, my arms locked in an iron grip around her small frame. Inside of Aeroylnn I felt an intense and boiling anger towards not only me but the First Order that flared up inside of her. She loathed me, and hated the First Order, and Phasma, even General Hux. She hated all of it.

I pulled out of her mind, gasping for breath. I ran my hands through my hair, standing up.


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"Aerolynn." I said, sternly. She continued to squirm but didn't wake. "Aerolynn." I said again, but this time louder, annoyed now. Her eyes fluttered open, and she jumped up, resting her back against the headboard. Sweat dotted her forehead and she was shaking slightly. She pulled her legs to her chest, wrapping her arm around her knees.
"What? What is it?" She asked, running a shaky hand through her dark hair.
"You were having a nightmare." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"And?" She asked, looking up at me expectantly. I scoffed at her words, isn't this what she wanted me to do? Aerolynn so easily could annoy me. I had taken a risk last night in trying to comfort her, and now I regretted it.
"You were squirming and clearly distraught, so I woke you." I said. She narrowed her gaze on me, studying me. I suddenly felt exposed without my mask on. I cleared my throat, scratching at the back of my neck.
"About last night-" She started, but I cut her off before she could finish.
"Last night was out of conduct. Now, get dressed, we have training in ten minutes." I said, before placing my helmet on and walking out of the room, leaving her gaping at me.
Once I got out into the hallway I took a deep breath of air, feeling like I finally could. That feeling that I got from her... that feeling of euphoria was still flowing through me, her feeling that she gave me put me on edge and at ease all at once. It made me want to get closer to her, which made her so dangerous.
I continued down the hall stopping in front of the training room, and slipping in. I pulled off my helmet, and my cape, enjoying the feeling of the heavy fabric slipping off of my shoulders.
I walked over to the intercom, pressing the button and talking into it.
"I'd like a droid for fighting sent to the training room." I commanded into it, my voice full of authority.
Today I was going to have Aerolynn fight off two holographic fighters, set to the highest setting it would test her agility and strength, and since they weren't real she couldn't use her powers on them, but regardless they could still inflict pain on her.
I looked up at the clock, Aerolynn was two minutes late... typical. I rolled my eyes, starting to pace around the room, my fingers flicking against my thigh impatiently.
The droid cane up to the training room, and I pressed the button that kept it in place. Just then the door swished open, and a breathless Aerolynn came running in, her hair was a tangled mess that tumbled down her back in dark waves, and one of her shoes were untied.
"I'm sorry I'm late." She said, bending down to fix her shoe.
"Don't do it again, I won't be as lenient next time." I said. She stood up, her brown doe eyes wide.
"I wont." She said, I raised my eyebrows at her words, doubting them. Which made her roll her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.
"So what are we doing today, Ren?" She asked, her eyes scanning the room and landing on the droid. I clenched my teeth at how casually she addressed me, it wasn't too long ago that she was quaking just at the sight of me.
"Don't speak to me as if I am your lower, Aerolynn." I said. I saw her stiffen at my words, restraining herself from talking back to me. She bit at her lip, her cheeks red.
I kneeled down next to the droid, flipping the switch that sent two holographic figures onto the mat. They glowed blue and had no face, but they were tall and bulky, a little bit shorter than me, but they towered over Aerolynn. Her face considerably paled at the sight of them.
"This is what you're doing today. These droids will fight you both simultaneously, and don't think that they can't inflict pain... because I assure you they can." I said. She swallowed, soaking in my words.
"What are you waiting for? Get on the mat." I said, taking a step away from the droid.
She slowly shuffled onto the mat, peering up at the two figures. I shot my hand out, and the wooden stick we had been training with shot into my hand, and I used the force to guide it into her hand. She curled her fingers around it, testing the familiar weight.
I pressed a button on the droid and suddenly the two figures started to advance towards her. She swung at them, using her speed to become offense. Then they were dancing back and forth, it was beautiful, really, she was completely absorbed in the fight. Swinging and leaping and dodging punches.
She let out a scream as one of their rods that crackled with electricity whipped across her stomach, causing her to stumble back, wincing. She let out a groan of pain, before she ran towards the one that swung the rod at her chest. But the other figure stopped her before she got very far, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, and picking her up and off of the ground.
Her toes kicked aimlessly at the air, but then she used the man as an advantage and kicked at the figure in front of her square in the face, and then twisted out of her captors grasp.
With her stick outstretched away from her body she leaped through the air and landed on the back of one of the holographs. She took his head and twisted it so that a crack could be heard, he collapsed onto the ground and she somersaulted onto the floor, kicking at the second and only fighting mans legs, knocking him onto the ground. She then stuck her stick on his chest keeping him there, grinning proudly.
I kneeled down and flipped the switch so that the holograms were sucked back into the droid. I then sent it off and back to wherever it had come from. I stood up crossing my arms over my chest, my hand stroking my jaw.
"Your fighting was sloppy." I said, my voice breaking the silence in the room. Aerolynn, who was laying on the floor, her hair a dark halo around her head, looked up at me, sitting up right.
"What do you mean sloppy?" She asked, wiping the sweat off of her brow.
"I mean, exactly what I said, your balance needs work, your fighting stance was completely wrong, and you were being reckless, not calculating your moves like I have been teaching you to do." I said. She stood up, clearly angry at me. She opened her mouth to probably give a crude remark, but she was interrupted by the door sliding open.
"Kylo Ren, sir." The officer said, looking like he was about to throw up.
"What is it?" I asked, making myself sound impatient, and I was, I didn't have time for stuttering officers who couldn't think past their fear.
"I have come to inform you that the Resistance is here. And they are looking for the girl."

Wooh, that was fun to right, also two updates in a row, I am on fire!! 🔥 but yeah I don't have much to update you on besides the fact that I want to use gifs more from now on. Ok until next time, friends.

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