Chapter 11: Kidnapped...again

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Aerolynn's pov

"They are looking for the girl." The officer said, suddenly the world seemed to slow around me, and everything became muffled. The Resistance... the actual resistance, the organization I had only ever heard story about was here, for me. I looked up at Kylo just as he was looking back down at me, he looked conflicted and overwhelmed, he bit at his lower lip, his eyebrows drawing together.

"Thank you, tell the board that she will be in a secure location." He said, before grabbing his helmet and sliding it onto his head. Kylo grabbed at my hand, his gloved fingers locking around my wrist, making me wince.

"Kylo, what's going on?" I asked, stumbling after him in the hallway, his legs were twice as long as mine so I had to practically run to keep up with him.

"The Resistance came early, we thought we'd have another week before they'd attack. How is this even possible? Their numbers must be growing..." He said, pondering off in his thoughts.

"Wait. You knew about this." I said, "you knew that they were going to attack. And you let me stay here. I didn't think they were actually going to attack, and now... now all these people are going to get hurt because of me." I said, tears were starting to form in my eyes, regardless of the fact that I hated the First Order I didn't want people dead because Kylo couldn't give me up.

I stopped walking and leaned against the wall, my face in my hands, I felt ashamed.

"Aerolynn, stop." Kylo said, prying my hands away from my face. "Stop acting like a child. I'm not giving you away to them, I don't care if you don't like the First Order, you belong here." He said, leaning closer to me, close enough so that I could see my reflection in the metal part of his helmet. I looked small and scared, everything I didn't want to be.

He continued to drag me to the "safe," location, and I followed him blindly, I could hear explosions, screams, and gunfire from down the hall, I tried to ignore them but the sounds were ringing through my head, making it pound.

Suddenly two soldiers in tan and orange gear came running down the hall, they stopped in their tracks once they saw us. Then they raised their guns at us, their weapons shaking in their hands.

"Under Leia Organa's orders were not allowed to shoot, but if we must we will." One of them shouted.

Kylo unhooked his lightsaber from his belt, seeing the sudden movement one of the resistance fighters shot at him, I couldn't help but scream, thinking that that bullet was going to for sure be the end of Kylo Ren. But a bright red stream of light suddenly flickered in front of him, almost too quick to see. His lightsaber was ignited, and had just deflected the bullet.

The two soldiers gaped at him, their mouths hanging open, but they didn't get to make any more movies because then I put my hands out in front of me, giving them both a shock that made them go unconscious but not kill them.

"Nice." Kylo said, grabbing my hand and continuing down the hall the way we were going before we got interrupted, "but you didn't kill them."

"I wasn't trying to." I said, breathless. "My powers aren't used to kill, they're used to help people." I said, as we ran down another hallway, hopping over a fallen stormtrooper, I grimaced at the sight of a bloody hand print trailing down his chest plate, contrasting against the bright white.

"You have the power to, though." Kylo said, looking down another hallway, checking to see if it was safe before dragging me down it with him, my legs were moving almost mechanically, stumbling after him.

"Everyone does." I said, through breaths.

"But not like you, Aerolynn." Kylo said, stopping at a door, and punching in a code. The door suddenly swooshed open, revealing nothing but a bland room, it looked like a typical conference room, with a semi large table in the middle with identical chairs surrounding it.

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