Volume 2, Chapter 4 - Relax.

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make or become less tense or anxious.


I stretched yawning, Vienna sat up next to me, shaking out her scales, before standing. I flew over to the fresh fruit wielder, whom was Tyrone. He quirked an eyebrow, but gave me a whole strawberry as I landed on his lap. I took one bite before I bared my teeth, an eye closed as a sharp sour taste lingered on my tongue.

I heard a whistle from beside me as Vienna landed nearly on me, nudging my wings as she chuckled at my face. I clicked my tongue disapprovingly at the strawberry, and reached over, snatching the peeled yellow kiwi as it was handed to her.

A sweet taste rid the sour one from my tongue, the fruit tasting very good. Tyrone glanced over at Axis, then held his hand out towards the other alien,

"Would you like to feed them?" The Kymari smirked to himself as he ignored Vienna's irritated huff. Axis sent a calculating glance at the both of us before smiling to himself.

"Why not?" Vienna rolled her eyes and huffed indignantly, tilting her chin up as Axis held a kiwi piece near her face. There was a short second before she sighed and gave in, taking the fruit and eating it. I chuckled, and gladly took the piece from the alien.

Vienna, after the fruit had disappeared and the aliens got involved into a conversation, came over to me, sat, and looked me into my eyes with a hard expression. I hummed in question and she scowled before twisting her tail around mine.

She suddenly jumped on me and started wrestling, gnawing on my horns. I rattled my head and started to wrestle too, flipping her over and trying to pin her down. We went back and forth like that, trying to pin each other.

It was tricky, I was larger in width, but vienna had longer limbs, and a long monkey like tail. Even with her long limbs and tail, I won, and pinned her down. I puffed out my chest and smirked at her,

"Haha I win." I got off her and let her get up, she rolled her eyes playfully and flicked me with her tail

"Harr harr laugh it up prince charming.." Vienna yawned and shook out her scales, "I'm gonna go take my sun nap. Bye" she then promptly flew off and onto the window sill, laying down in the sun. I shook my head at her, and looked towards the aliens.

I joined in on their conversation, learning more about the two new ones. Axis was rational, and a thinker. While Fern was energetic and witty. Axis was a prince, fern was middle class. Almost contrasting each other. Almost. Our conversation lasted a while, ending around lunchtime.

Vienna had joined at the last few minutes, her scales brighter than they were like always. Axis helped Tyrone make lunch, and soon after everyone was almost done eating. Fern helped put away dishes and everyone moved into the living room, aiming for a new conversation to get to know each other more.

Axis was deep in the middle of explaining a meeting that happened between an ambassador of another race of aliens, when the doorbell chimed.

Everyone froze in place.

"Were you expecting someone..?" Fern was the one to ask, her ears pinned on her head as everyone stared at the door.

"No.." Tyrone admitted, standing, "I wasn't.." Vienna stood up also, her grey eyes glowing in thought. I was tense, who was at the door?

I am so sorry for the short chapter! I wish I could have wrote more but felt I needed to post what I had done today! Sorry about the messed up updates.. I really wasn't kidding when I said school was a bit pressure! Doesn't help that my core subject teacher is kinda the worst..

Once again I'm sorry!

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