Chapter 7 - Mr. Tyrone

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Vienna POV

The words "I'm coming" startled me enough to hit my head against a branch, I winced as the headache started forming. I blinked and responded,

"What?" I felt his confusion and gasped as the feeling of wind was sent to me. I stood up and immediately spread my wings,

"Where are you?" I nodded as he sent me the coordinates. He was somewhere near the stream and heading towards me, I lifted off the branch and slowly glided towards him. I saw his form winging towards me and sped up, we chirped and hummed cheerfully as we saw each other.

"So prince charming," I smiled as I stopped in front of him, "Do you want to go back?" he seemed puzzled by the question but nodded anyway,

"Yep, but I want you to come with me this time." I frowned and reared my head back, seeming to be offended by his words.

"With the kymari? Why only me? Why not Meagan come with us too?" I jerked my head towards the stream that was a little less than three meters away from us, I knew for a fact that Meagan was probably sitting in the stream eavesdropping at the moment. He tilted his head towards the river,

"She can come too" his black eyes went back towards me, I huffed and narrowed my eyes,

"When are we leaving?" He shrugged his shoulders,

"We can leave now if you want". I clenched my teeth, I didn't want to leave, but I guess I have to live with it if Aubrey wants to live with the kymari. I shrugged my shoulders,

"Very well, let's go then, Meagan come on!" I flapped my wings in the direction on where Aubrey had come from, in the corner of my eye I saw Meagan follow from the stream. I felt Aubrey's warm scales brush against my own as he flew up beside me, he sent me a warm smile and I rolled my eyes playfully.

I nearly faltered as the city came into view, but I continued, the only thing keeping me going was the thought of Aubrey's disappointed face and the darkness of the night. I slowed down for Aubrey to pass me then looked over my shoulder at Meagan, she was still flying, just slower. I turned around and flew over to her, she blinked at me confused.

I reached down to her and grabbed her, holding her in my talons. She wiggled for the first few seconds before getting the hint and going limp, I huffed and flew up to Aubrey. Although Meagan was light and small, she was large enough to put a strain on my flying.

"Heavy load?" I glared at him but didn't respond, I shot him a "I dare you say anything else" look, he shut his mouth and focused on getting us to our destination.

My heart nearly dropped into my stomach as we came around to the house, there were what looked like the Kymari's version of street gangs around the house. I followed Aubrey as he started to search the outside of the house, there was an "aha!" from him as he found the window he had slipped out from.

I watched as he slid into the window and then stuck his head out, a worried look on his face.

Somethings wrong was the first thought that came to my mind as I let go of Meagan and slipped inside as well, the inside was unlike any other living room I had ever seen in my human days. The furniture didn't have any arm rests and the whole room was alien to me, I snickered silently at the joke as I glided further into the room. On the floor, something moved.

My attention snapped to the thing and I sighed in slight relief that it was just the kymari.


With a slight screech, my mother instincts kicked in, my wings made quick work of the distance between me the kymari. I hurled myself onto his chest and crouched on it, my ears resting above where I imagined the heart to be. Luckily he was breathing and had a heartbeat.

A quick vision scan showed that he was just unconscious or sleeping, there were no visible wounds or bruises.

I sat back down and let out a sigh of relief before hissing and jumping off him, I was worrying about a Kymari that I had never met.

I heard a laugh from behind me and glared over at Aubrey,

"Wow that was knew." I hissed at his words and tilted my head away from him, "You were worried about him weren't you?" I growled/muttered a "maybe" and did a more thorough scan of the room, the furniture was slightly moved from their original place probably moved because of a struggled.

"What is the kymari's name?" Meagan voiced somewhere behind me, I shrugged and narrowed my eyes at the hallway that was next to a room that resembled a kitchen.

"Tyrone" Aubrey responded whilst I flew towards the hallway, I ignored their quiet conversation as I glided down the area, my ears swiveling like a cat's.

I came across a bedroom and stopped to hover in the doorway, it looked like a normal bedroom other than the weapons that were in it. It turned around and flew back into the living room, Aubrey had sat himself under a heat lamp with Meagan pressed up against his warm scales. I landed next to them and sighed,

"When do you think he would wake up?" Aubrey shrugged and eyed the Kymari, a slight hint of sadness in them. I placed a wing over his back, a small comforting smile on my face.

He gave me smile and winked, I rolled my eyes and thwacked him with my tail, he laughed and we dropped into a comforting silence.

A thought hit me, what would the Kymari do when he wakes and two new dragonets greet him in the morning? I imagined the scene in my head.

(Tyrone's Imaginary POV)

I opened an eye and noticed that it was morning, I sat up and multiple chirps greeted me. I looked over at the heat lamp and nearly froze, instead of the one male fire lizard, the female that almost attacked me was there as well as a smaller one that was blue-ish green. I blinked and leaned back as the grey and gold female launched herself at me, angered chirping leaving her snout as her scales changed to orange and light-green.

(back to Vienna's POV)

I snorted at my own thought and shifted my wings, when would the kymari wake up? Apparently now, I looked over at Tyrone as he groaned and sat up.

"Rise and shine Mr.Tyrone, you have company this morning".


sorry it took me heckin forever to post.... 

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