Volume 2. Chapter 1 - 👌

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Aubrey POV

There was really no way to explain the array of emotions that shot through my mind as Vienna mindlinked me. At first I was shocked, then angry, confused, and then worried. What was she gonna do now? What were we gonna do now?

It was really just a mess, and I wasn't aware on what we were gonna do next, she couldn't go to the city with her "companions", and I couldn't leave the house as I can't figure out how to open the doors.

The only way I could get outside was through the Fireproof and Venom proof mesh that surrounded the backyard, and even then, the holes were too small to even attempt to squeeze through. It was inescapable. I paced the perimeter of the fence, sniffing at the bottom and around areas where a possible escape attempt could take place, I did this for a while until I was sure there was no possible way I could get out. Sad.

I sighed and sat down, flexing my aching feet and hands, I winced slightly as pain flared from one of my claws and examined that problem. Wedged under the claw, was a small pointy rock. I grunted and stuck a claw under there to get it out, it barely took much effort. The rock bounced as it hit the ground.

I sighed again and flew over to the small flap in the door, slipping into the house and winging over to the water bowl. I drank in silence. When the silence was disturbed, it was only Tyrone, returning without Vienna. My ears perked up as I caught sight of him, he looked, dejected, and sad.

I flew over to him and landed on one of his shoulder pads, I thrummed and gave him a sad but comforting look. He scratched under my chin as he smiled at me sadly,

"Why did she leave?" He wondered to mostly himself, but I also wondered that as well.

"Maybe she saw something with those two.. maybe she showed empathy to them?" Tryone didn't respond, but I still wanted to comfort him. "Maybe she'll come back. We just have to wait, Vienna can't really go anywhere and neither can the two so coming here would be an instinctive action."

Tyrone glanced at me, and I continued, "but she'll also want to be as far away as here and the city, just because she dislikes confrontation of things she's done supposedly wrong." Tyrone closed his eyes as he picked me off his shoulder and clutched me to his chest, he inhaled deeply then exhaled.

"Maybe you're right.. I've always found her to be that kind of person. You should tell her to come here." He mused it himself before smiling. "Maybe we can see what those two want"

I only hummed in agreement, Mindlinking Vienna before she got too far away.

"Tyrone says you can stay here with your guests, he won't rat you out."

Vienna only sent the mental image of the "ok" hand emoji, I could only chuckle at her.

Oops. I did it again. Posting another chapter of this insane story like wow.

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