Chapter 5 - Tyrone

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Aubrey POV     

I flapped my wings slowly as I was hung upside down, my tail was throbbing painfully as it was caught in between a split in a tree. Movement in the left corner of my eye caught my attention, the male Kymari was walking along the path, it thankfully hadn't seen me yet. I stilled and kept a watchful eye on the Kymari as he slowly strolled along the path, I felt the scales on my tail scrap and slide painfully against the rough bark. I involuntarily whimpered from pain, alerting the Kymari of my presence.

"Oh god Vienna!" I mindlinked her while sending a mental image of the Kymari stopped a few steps away from me, I felt her worry and anger through the mind link. I started flapping my wings frequently while growling at the Kymari that kept getting closer, I looked to my right to see Vienna powering her way to me. I let out a half sigh of relief before I felt a hand lightly touch my back, I hissed and swung my claws at the hand, and missed. I heard Vienna's livid hiss from behind me and saw a blur of red fly up and land on a branch in front of me, her body was shaking from her loud growls. I then screeched in pain as a layer of my scales were pried from my body, my heart lurched as I felt my tail be freed from the branch and my body fall. I flapped my wings and landed in the kymari's arm, he had managed to catch me. I struggled in his hold but he had managed to pin me, I saw Vienna prepare to take off but I stopped her.

"VIENNA! Don't you dare attack the kymari!" she narrowed her eyes at me but stayed put so I continued, "Follow him if you have to" I felt her confusion through the mind link and watched her as the Kymari looked at her waiting for a reaction, the Kymari turned to the side to test if she would attack him. He took a step back and Vienna spread her wings to fly at him, I hissed a warning at her and her wings faltered. She flew in front of his face and screeched at him before flying into the trees, I blinked, Wh-at? I thought. The kymari then turned and walked away, he walked into the city and I couldn't help but look around. He turned down a street and walked into an unrecognizable building, a chemical sent made it click. Oh, I'm in a vet. He then walked up to the desk and spoke to the lady, after some small talk he followed her to a back room with a table and some weird machines. The kymari placed me on the table and I brought my tail close to me,

"What type of fire lizard it it?" she asked the male kymari.

"He, and I don't know, maybe there are more like him" he responded petting the shortfin on my back, I growled at him but didn't do anything. The female nodded and picked up a needle, my eyes widened in fear. Needles definitely weren't my thing, I felt my body be held down as the needle came closer. I felt a prick in my back leg, and squaked. After about two seconds I was released, I shot a glare at the male Kymari and shook my scales out. I winced as my tail moved and turned around so I could clean it, I growled as my head was pushed away from my tail. I was then pinned once more as the female brought a machine over my tail, I shrunk down uneasy as It hovered over my tail. Her eyebrows raised,

"His barb is real, and has venom in it." she blinked. I sighed quietly, you just figure that out now? I thought. The male kymari blinked surprised, the female then got out a spray and sprayed me with it. The next minutes went by in a blur, she put a silver cast thingy on my tail, we left, and went into a house, somewhere in there I remember seeing Vienna and Meagan.

My eyes snapped open and a glass cage came into view, when did I black out? I looked around, I was laying in a cage in a living room. I looked around warily at the interior of the cage, I sat underneath a heat lamp, and two bowls sat in front of me. I got up slowly and walked over to the fruit bowl, I quickly finished the fruit and drank the water. I wrinkled my snout, the metallic taste from water left in my mouth was definitely some kind of drug. I hobbled back to the lamp and laid under it, I fell asleep in under a minute.

 This happened for about a week, and the medicine slowly got less stronger

I was awoken from my nap when the door to the living room opened and split into two halves, the male kymari and another male kymari walked in. I lowered myself to the ground under the heat lamp, which was not very effective since they both knew I was here and awake. The Kymari sat on my right while the other kymari sat on my left, my gaze switched in between them while they looked at me. The kymari turned his head to the other while pretending to ignore me,

"Are you sure that is a fire lizard Tyrone? It looks weird..." the kymari said. I snorted and yawned, Tyrone nodded.

"Yes, it will occasionally spit out flame but not a big flames" he confirmed to the kymari, "I think he is just mutated or has a difference in diet". I nearly launched myself at the glass at the insult but reframed from doing so, the other kymari nodded and started to ask questions on stuff like my diet, my height, weight, activities, boring stuff like that. His guest then left and I went to have my nap again since it was interrupted, Tyrone had different ideas. He placed and sunberry on his palm and opened the cage, my eyes widened at the fruit and I jumped up. I slowly walked over to Tyrone and snatched the berry, I laid down right in front of him and ate it. What I didn't know was that he managed to snap a photo of me without my permission. He placed another sun berry in front of me and it quickly disappeared, I yawned as I became full. I slowly walked back into my cage and laid down under the lamp, I fell asleep in an instant.

"Aubrey" Vienna's mindvoice finally reached me, I responded calmly as to not startle her,

"Yes?" I felt her relief through the mind link.

"How is it hanging with the kymari?" she said with a small chuckle, I sent my amusement through the link. "I'll tell Meagan that you haven't died yet, hasta luego" I stared off into space thinking what 'hasta luego' could mean, in junior high up to grade eleven, Vienna had taken spanish. I was brought out of my daze when Tyrone sat in his normal chair, and opened the cage. I sat up straighter when he opened his hand on his lap, in his hand were three sun berries. I slowly crept forward keeping an eye on his other hand, I did not want to be grabbed. I lifted myself from the ground and to my full height, I slowly reached my neck forward to his hand but couldn't grab them just yet. I slowly tested my right talon on him, then did the same to the left one. I reached my neck to a berry and ate one, I then brought my back talons onto his legs and sat on his lap while eating the three berries. Once finished and yawned and laid down on his legs, I curled up and decided I was gonna make it seem like I trusted him a lot already, I was definitely gonna make someone jealous at this. I closed my eyes but didn't fall asleep just yet, I held back a growled as he slowly pet me. I snarled internally, I was not a cat or a dog. I felt him pull back, and I silently thanked the stars.

"Taureen is coming over today" he said, yay more guests I sighed quietly. "He is bringing Tasha with him" I quietly memorized the names then had a nap.

I woke up when the doorbell rang, I yawned again and half glared at the door. I got up quickly and flew over to the cage to sit on top of it, I tilted my head as the door opened and a kymari with a hawk glove and shoulder pads walked in, a small golden dragonet on a leash sat on one of his shoulder pads. I lowered myself to the ground and looked at the dragonet warily,

"Hello Taureen" Tyrone greeted the kymari.

"You too Tyrone" Taureen said unclipping the dragonet's leash and then the kymari sat around and the cage, making me flap away faster than they could even blink. I landed on a chair and crouched down hiding under my wing, I felt the dragonet land a few steps away from me.

"What are you?" she asked kind of rudely, I peaked out from my wing,

"Dragon, like you... kind of..." I put my wing down while responding.

"What's your name?" she asked tilting her head,

"Aubrey, you are Tasha right?" I questioned,

"Yep" she confirmed. 


I'm sorry if Taureen and Tasha are weird...

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