Chapter 10 - Dark Chocolate and Foxes

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Vienna POV  Chapter 10

*On a ship they are investigating*

I turned my head and noticed a pair of smells that were different, one smelled like a wild fox and the other smelled like dark, bitter, chocolate. I pretend not to notice the smell until we were nearly on top of it, I turned around on Tyrone's shoulder and looked at the hallway where the smells came from, growling I tugged on my leash until he stopped. He unclipped my leash and I flapped towards the doorway, I stayed aloft as I gazed into the darkness of the room.

"Is it a crawler or a sciora?" one of the Kymari guards accompanying us questioned Tyrone,

"Neither, her reactions aren't strong enough. Probably smelling something from one of crates" he responded while I let my fire resistant saliva cling to my throat to light up the room. I gave out a burst of flame and noticed a pair of forms hiding in the corner, I snorted at them and flew a few feet forward, I repeated until I was close enough to see the pair.

I blinked at them in surprise, there was a male, and a female. Neither of them were Kymari.

The one that smelt like a fox actually looked like a human, it wore a red shirt and blue pants, had red hair with white tips that stopped just below her shoulders, and a pair of red fox ears and a tail. It growled at me and hissed, baring its pointy white teeth and pinning its' ears at me. The chocolate smelling male beside her just pulled on her arm and snapped something at her in some odd language, I tilted my head and examined him closely.

He wore a dark green jacket with black shoulder and elbow guards, black pants, and a brown belt with multiple small bags and containers hooked onto it. His skin was a very pale green that made him look almost white, his short but fluffy hair was the same colour, and he had three multi coloured rings around his neck.

The first ring was pink, the same colour as his pupil, the second purple, the colour of his iris, and third brown. Something that resembled fans flipped forward from where they were hidden on the sides of his face, the ends pink, the middle ring and main colour of the fans were purple, and the brown. He hissed and snapped something again, but this time it made slight sense,

"Down calm Fern" his odd way of forming sentences made my head tilt even more. I landed near them and noticed I was about the size of a pony or a great dane compared to them, I sniffed the male and pinned my ears as I notice the female getting oddly close. She didn't seem to be hostile anymore, just curious.

I leaned towards the male and sniffed his hand, I licked his fingers, they tasted slightly odd. The female commented something and the male spoke to her for a while, he then reached his hand out to me and I sat down, almost immediately calmed by his hand stroking my scales. His purple eyes traveled over my form and I felt my wings quiver slightly at his gaze, I hadn't noticed but his sclera's were blue, a deep ocean blue. And behind those odd eyes were the spirit of a fighter, a prince.

I stayed still for a while until I heard tyrone call out into the still dark room,

"Vienna!" I rolled my eyes and instead of flying I just trotted over to him. God, he must have had a panic attack as suddenly I appeared in front of him. I snorted in amusement and shook my head, he let out a shaky sigh and pressed a hand to his chest.

"Don't scare me like that, please?", I nodded and rubbed my head against his leg as an apology. It wasn't very unknown that I was intelligent, the guards were aware and so was some of the elders. Why or how they were okay with my small group was still a mystery to me even though Tyrone had explained it many times.

Tyrone leaned down and patted my back, "what did you find in the room that made you so curious?". I stilled for a quarter of a second, I had doubts that the kymari would appreciate the pair on a transport ship. Tyrone seemed to feel the tensing of my muscles and straightened up, he looked at a guard behind him and motioned for them to go in the room.

With a sort of screech I launched myself onto the doorway and snarled, the guards and Tyrone froze, it was uncommon that I was protective of a room. Because being protective of a room is so totally normal. I don't know why, but I disliked the idea of the pair being found. Odd.

Tyrone tilted his head and narrowed his eyes slightly, "there's someone in the room isn't there?".

I paused in my snarling but growled instead, he sighed and reached onto his belt, pulling off the silver, extendable net. I reared my head back and shrieked at the object, the net was for if Tyrone got injured and I didn't allow anyone to get close. I hissed fiercely at the thing as he extended it and walked closer to me, I thrashed my tail as my scales flared red with dots of white.

He swung the net downward in an attempt to catch me but I jumped away, 

"STAY AWAY, FROM THE ROOM" I shouted and shot over Tyrone's shoulder.

"Go, now!" he swung again and nearly touched my tail before I skidded across the ground, the guards entered the room with their spears and turned on the light.

A red and white blur knocked about two guards down on it's way out, she slid about a foot before turning around and sprinting down the hallway. Another blur zoomed out of the room and caught up to the female, the kymari guards ran after them.

I flapped after the pair, I winged my way past the guards and tried to catch up with them. For an odd reason, they were faster than the kymari who were twice their height mind you. I heard Tyrone call for me but I only looked over my shoulder with an apologetic look, I managed to fly closer to them with much effort.

The light green male looked over his shoulder and spotted me in an instant, my scale memories bubbled up from their dormant state. The male was what's called an Atari, a race of alien which can grow up to thirty-six feet tall. Odd, since this atari was full grown, which would mean he would be thirty-six feet tall. He wasn't. He was 5'9".

The female was what's called a foxlet, a race of human-fox like beings from a planet called Tyranius. They were like humans, but with the ears, tail, agility, and personalities, of foxes. The Atari extended an arm to me, and I landed on it. He then tucked the arm to his chest and the pair ran at a faster speed, leaving the Kymari to scramble to catch them. I saw a familiar corner up ahead,

"Don't go left! Kymari guards will be there, I know another exit." I flew off his arm and guided them out of the ship, my stomach twisting at what I had just done.


*cries* this chapter is so bad :( i might have to redo it..

the Atari is my original race, please don't steal them and call them yours, that's mean. Foxlets don't belong to me, they belong to my friend.

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