A Little Too Much Part 14

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Rydr forced his body to the limit but couldn't it out of a stalemate against the Alpha. He almost gave up on his plan when the tension in the great beast's body suddenly vanished, and Rydr ate a mouthful of musky fur. The giant nearly missed his chance and let go of the Alpha's neck, but he managed to hold on and wrap his left arm around the wolf's midriff.

With no idea what caused the Alpha to let up in their power match, Rydr grabbed the chance. 

While the monster was still semi-limp, Rydr forced its body to contort, pulling with both arms and kicking down at its back. The Alpha's body violently met end-to-end, like Ouroboros eating its tail.

With a final roar of effort, Rydr squeezed his arms to his sides, holding the Alpha's head and hindquarters against his body. He felt the creature's back snap under his knees in a wet, rolling crunch.

*CRIT 120 damage*

*CRIT 40 damage*

Rydr processed the excessive damage numbers before the Alpha burst into light, and he fell through its body to land, kneeling on the ground. A small trill sounded in his head, but the giant fell into his habit of shoving those to the side. 

A second chime followed, but one of the smaller wolves charged through the motes of light and opened its maw wide over Rydr's face.

The wolf blasted aside as the business end of a large metal hammer met its muzzle. The monster sailed away into the rough bark on the left side of their kill-box.

"Get up!" Urginok shouted at him. The tank covered for Rydr, but it cost him a chunk of health as he took another wolf's attack head-on. With a grunt, Urginok slammed his back into one of the fallen trees, dislodging his unwelcome passenger. 

Rydr looked up and saw more wolves rushing at him, but not as many as he thought there would be. The giant didn't question it. Rydr surged to his feet, ready to take on the rest of the pack with his bare hands. 

Mindful to stay out of Urginok's range so that the tank fought without worry over the friendly fire, Rydr waited for his chance. In the end, he waited for no longer than a moment for one of Syrna's arrows to fly in and strike one of the charging wolves, stunning it with her brief knockback. 

At nearly the same speed as the arrow, Rydr lunged forward with a single massive step and seized the stunned wolf by its hindleg. Syrna's damage number floated over the creature's body, and Rydr used the split second to [Inspect] the wolf.

*20 damage*

[Brown Wolf Level 5]

HP 450/562

A glance at its stats and Rydr felt cool relief flow through him. The buff Syrna warned him about was gone. Then he started to drag the wolf by its leg and caught the next wolf to charge in with a golf swing. 

The attacking wolf's jaws closed on its hapless pack member right before it was thrown back into the air and arced over the press of creatures to fall behind the line.

*19 damage*

*22 damage*

*35 damage*

The wolf's attack dealt almost double the damage Rydr's wild swing caused. With over half its health still in its pool, Rydr's "weapon" would die very quickly if he could use it to block against the attacking wolves. 

Unfortunately for the airborne monster, Rydr brought it back to earth in a crushing blow that floored another wolf, forcing it into the dirt. Rydr swung the wolf in a wide circle with a whirling spin, clipping the beast's head on both walls of their wooden trap.

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