The Wrong Direction Part 4

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A distant point of light rushed at Rydr as he fell through the hole, Eve's warning about not telling anyone her age the last thing he knew. The light closed in quickly, and then he was out. Blinded by light and wind, he had to force his eyes open to see something amazing.

Below him stretched a vast continent. There was an ocean in the distance to his left, and the right was scattered mountain ranges. The mountains culminated in an enormous spine on the world where mountains like jagged teeth reached for the sky as if to swallow it. Amidst the peaks, he could see enormous flying creatures.

The North slowly vanished into a thick fog of falling snow, obscuring most details from view. The South became a heavy jungle, and what looked like an eventual desert.

Verdant hills, the occasional mountain, forest, and scant cities/villages took up the land directly below him. The closer Ryan fell to the ground, the more it seemed like he was falling into a lush forest that stretched for several square miles. The huge swath of greenery stood out from the rolling hills in the surrounding countryside. The trees resembled a mix of Redwoods and sprawling jungle, which were obvious from a great distance. They reached up at him.

In fact, Rydr had fallen so far it seemed like he would soon hit the ground. He looked back up.

Above him, he was stunned to find other divers in the middle of their own descent. Some pinwheeled through the air, but a large number were stable enough to scout, like Rydr. A few laughed at the pinwheeling divers in an obvious manner. Everyone that he could make out the details on was in basic adventuring clothes.

Only Rydr was in blue jeans and a red tee. He stood out. His heart dropped, and his skin crawled as he confronted being in front of so many people.

So Rydr ignored it. Out of sight, out of mind. Nope, I'm definitely not the only person dressed like this in the whole game. He kept repeating that to himself to calm down. 

Rydr faced towards the ground again just in time to see it rush at his face. Leaves and branches whipped past him, just barely bending around his body at the last second as he fell through the crown of foliage. The surface of the forest was still a ways from the ground. A completely manly and on-purpose shriek escaped his mouth. Then, the ambient mana's spidery material was visible, and his descent slowed until he gently touched down.

He immediately fell over again. Wild free-fall hadn't cured his inability to walk yet. He heard more, far less manly, shrieks all around him. He was too busy trying to stand up to look. He so badly didn't want to look like a noob.

Rydr was certain he was the only person there to play a VRMMO for the first time. They had been popular for too long. Not many families were as strict as his anymore.

A cute message chime sounded. In front of him popped a notification.

 In front of him popped a notification

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At least I know where I-

Several more chimes interrupted Rydr's thought. Soon, his field of view was stacked with notifications. I definitely need to change the notification settings. I completely understand all those articles about crowded HUD's now. He turned his attention to sorting them out. He stopped trying to stand and lay on the ground.

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