Two Days Part 45

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"What? Why?" The mayor burst out. 

Syrna's comment was so far out of the left-field; it threw everyone for a loop until the archer elaborated. 

The archer gestured toward the contact, "I can only get a partial translation, but I had an idea. There's the fully translated section of the contract, where it stipulates the firstborn daughter, yadda yadda, and the fortnight after her first menstruation."

"Yeah?" Urginok asked, wondering where Syrna was going with this.

Rydr jumped to the same conclusion as the archer as he listened for what Syrna wasn't saying.

"The contract never indicates firstborn biologically. It's phrased chronologically. Right?" Rydr peered down at the blonde, who gave him a thumbs-up without looking away from the mayor.

"So? How quickly can you adopt me?" Syrna prompted Ausch again, impatient for an answer. Within the archer's heart, she knew her attitude came from wanting to be right about the translation.

The blonde held strict pride when it came to languages. If she got it wrong, the mistake would eat at her until corrected. 

Amos looked between the two women, waiting for Ausch to answer, "Well? Do you think it would work?" The guard was anxious to confirm the possibility of Audra's safety. He was like an uncle to her and felt as such.

Ausch pursed her lips, thinking, "Maybe...but I wouldn't wish this fate upon my worst enemy." Even with the possibility dangled right in front of her, the mayor couldn't bring herself to sacrifice someone else for herself.

In the same way, she couldn't sacrifice her daughter to protect the family's position.

Syrna waved her hand dismissively, "Don't worry about that. Travelers are immortal anyway. How quickly can you adopt me, and when is the fortnight up?" The archer wouldn't let herself get sidetracked. 

Besides, she felt up to the challenge and wanted to test her new runic abilities.

After a few moments of hesitation, the mayor hesitantly said, "I have the authority to write it up and have it signed right now."

Syrna grinned, before paling, "Okay, don't do that just yet. Is there somewhere we can prepare?"

Hermes finally forced out a question, "Wait. What? Right now? Fight a demon right now?" 

Urginok clapped the teen on his shoulder, "Sure, why not? An elemental in the morning and a demon at night sounds like a full day of adventure to me."

Rydr grunted in agreement, crossing his massive arms over his chest. 

Ausch and Audra both stared at the team with puffy eyes, amazed that anyone had the wherewithal to take on a demon after just hearing about it.

To the mayor's side, Amos grinned as he looked between the party and his old friend.

"Why don't you leave this to them?"


The mayor led the team deeper into the mansion, down one floor to a ballroom Ausch used for receptions and parties. Audra clung to her mother the whole time, bringing the mother's focus back to her daughter.

"Should we hide her?" The mayor asked.

Nearly everyone present shook their heads at the same time.

Rydr spoke up, "She needs to stay close by. If the demon is still able to go after Audra once it's summoned, we need to be close to her to protect her."

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