They're Made Part 36

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Rydr ducked to go through the door, nearly hitting his head on hanging weapons when he was on the other side. The Titan swerved away from them and weaved like a drunk trying to get out from behind the counter.

Somehow, Rydr felt that his first trip behind the counter went more smoothly than his return journey. He considered, perhaps, that he was too excited about the first trip and just didn't remember.

"Hey, man! Good to see you again," Urginok's voice came from across the shop. The tank was over by the same weapon's rack Rydr drooled over on the game's launch night. 

The Titan gave Urginok a low wave as he finished extricating himself from the cage of sharp implements. By the time the giant was free, Urginok had threaded his way through the shop and to the counter.

When Rydr finally looked at his party member, he realized the tank's outfit changed. The breastplate Rydr lifted off of Guile, Shining Star's lieutenant, was missing. Instead, Urginok wore the same set of gear he started with.

Confused, Rydr asked, "What happened to your breastplate?"

Urginok sighed, "Well when everyone was blown up, and the system decided that I dropped it." 

Rydr winced, "What happened after I logged out?"

Urginok gave Rydr a side-eyed glance before he asked, "So you did log out?"

A second wince appeared on Rydr's face as he tried to explain, "I was logged out," Rydr stressed the words, "Against my will. I didn't mean to abandon you guys." 

"What do you mean you were logged out? Did the system kick you?"

Rydr shook his head, "My capsule-"

A chime sounded in Rydr's head as a screen forced itself onto his HUD. Unlike the normal, translucent, green screen that appeared, this one instantly loaded into a video call.

A moment later, Roman Monte's face and upper torso became clear, and the background blurred out.

[Now, Mr. Harringer, I understand that you have yet to sign my employment offer. However, I must warn you that it will be considered null and void if you violate the NDA agreement and then sign the contract. 

I hope you won't demonize me for brow-beating the point, but here is your second lesson. Even if someone else's plans work for you, don't let yourself be taken advantage of in pursuit of your goals. 

We also had Eve block the wave of friend requests and messages which threatened to break your inbox limit.

I hope you aren't trying to take advantage of me, Mr. Harringer.]

Before Rydr had a chance to reply, the call winked out of existence as quickly as it had come. The Titan was left shocked after the call cut out.

How closely is Mon-Tech watching me right now?

"Your capsule?" Urginok prompted his enormous teammate after the Titan trailed off.

As much as it tore Rydr up inside, he lied, "My capsule was faulty and forced me out for my own safety. Most of my day was spent in a hospital Recovery Room to ensure I was okay."

The words left a sour taste in the Titan's mouth. Rydr tried to include as much of the truth as he could to alleviate his guilty conscience.

Urginok's eyebrows vanished into his bangs, the tank's eyes going wide, "Jeez, man, I'm sorry that happened to you. I didn't think these capsules could malfunction like that."

Rydr sighed and hung his head, "Mon-Tech came and took the capsule away, so I was waiting around for a replacement as well." The Titan's guts twisted uncomfortably as he kept twisting the truth.

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