A True Genius Part 41

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Time to put on a show. Much sooner than Rydr preferred, he had to act the part of a figure from legend. His plan was still to return to Izor's tower and prepare for the interview with Little John.

However, the angry guard in front of him wasn't going to wait for any of that. 

"Well?" Della demanded. Rydr's silence already served as confirmation for her as she reached for her manacles to cuff the giant. 

Amos prepared to jump in between them and further explain how Rydr saved himself and the hostages when the Titan shoved himself forward. 

"That's right." Rydr forced himself into the woman's space and towered over her, "And if you'd get out of my way, this Dungeon isn't going to crush itself." 

Amos blinked at the giant, surprised at the sudden aggression from the agreeable young man. To the side, Urginok subtly nodded his head as he watched his teammate's performance.

So far, everything was going according to plan. As the confrontation between Rydr and the guard escalated, the divers near the gate began to sidle closer, listening to their argument with interest.

Della backed away from Rydr as he invaded her space, "H-Halt! How dare you assault a guard!" The woman ripped her manacles from her belt, about to order the giant to desist. 

Rydr leaned down, putting his face close to her's, "If you want more civilians to die, then let's go ahead and waste each other's time. Otherwise," Rydr stood back up, "It's harder to stop me than you think."

The giant didn't want to put himself at odds with the guards, so he phrased his sentence as an arbitrary warning instead of a threat. If the woman tried to manacle him, he'd walk away and drag her through the city's streets.

After the Titan's fight with the plant elemental, he better grasped his current strength scale. There might be one or two NPC's within Grotto that could challenge him in a physical fight, except for Izor's magic.

Rydr hadn't broken any laws, and he wouldn't allow his avatar to be detained when he could be working to save Grotto. 

It's not like a king gets arrested for declaring war. Why should I waste time when I could be fixing it. If Rydr were honest with himself, only a little of his current bravado was fake. 

Before Della had the chance to respond, Rydr began to walk forward. 

The giant's hip clipped the guard as she dodged out of his way and tried to grab one of his arms. Rydr strode forward as if he didn't have a fully armored guard hanging off his arm. 

No matter how Della pulled, Rydr's arm never budged from his side. Instead, the woman found herself getting dragged along like a sack of potatoes. 

As Rydr approached the gate, the crowd of divers gathered around split like the Red Sea in front of the giant. They stared at the guard hanging from Rydr's arm in shock, witnessing the powerful guard dig her heels into the ground and pull back like a child.

Urginok and Amos walked after the Titan, listening to the whispered conversations amongst the divers. More and more, the tank heard the same phrase. 

"The Titan, Rydr."


Della managed to hang off Rydr's arm all the way to Izor's tower. Despite everything, the giant had to commend the woman for her tenacity. 

And her lack of shame. No matter how much the woman looked like a child throwing a tantrum, she ignored her audience and dutifully tried to wrestle Rydr to the ground. 

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