Chapter Fifteen

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Waiting for Colton is agonizingly nerve-wracking. Why did I agree to this? Only God knows. Maybe I was thinking about creating at least one good memory with my bully. Or maybe I was curious as to why he has come back. Or maybe I just couldn't say no to him.

Funny how, even after high school, Colton makes me nervous and weak. I can't even look into his eyes properly without feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. I don't know how tonight's going to go. I had such a fun time with Sebastian—I'm not even going to think about that kiss.

My god that kiss.

If I had a diary, the pages would be filled with every single emotion that that kiss made me feel.

Kissing Sebastian, kissing Xavier, both of the kisses were so different. Like a difference between black and white. Xavier's kiss was like a big fuck you from cupid, Sebastian's kiss was like a hug from the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Both so beautiful, both spirited, and both made my heart take a leap to Olympus.

Nothing will happen with Colton tonight. We're just going to have dinner, a casual conversation, I'll mildly kill him for bullying me and I'll comfortably say see ya later, maybe never. I want to see what he has to say about all those moments of causing me pain. The fact that a guy went all out of his way to hurt a girl is really pathetic.

I want to know why.

Why all the words? The name-calling. The abuse, emotionally. The mock-laughs. Why he made other guys stay away from me?

Colton appears in a white Range Rover like the rich kid he is. Stepping out, displaying his wealth and good looks like some kind of high-end commercial. Ruffling his hair just adds the cherry on top.

"Hey, Lia." He smiles, it's kind.

I keep a subtle straight face.


Colton's eyes drink in my appearance, appreciation blinking like a siren.

"You look good."

I really don't know who to be around him. We never got close in high school. He was my tormentor, I was his victim. He made fun of me, he hurt me, I was fearful of him. I hated him.

I hate him.

For the sake of being a polite human that my mom raised me as, I smile back. Once we get inside his car and he drives off, I try to collect my emotions and thoughts together so that I know where tonight is going. I've had such a great day with Sebastian that I don't want tonight to go shit.

"It really means a lot to me for you to come tonight, Lia." Colton drawls coolly with his hand on the wheel, the other on the gear shift.

Colton's grape and cedarwood scent raise goosebumps on my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. I keep my eyes out the window because everything about Colton intimidates me. From his eyes to his words, to his scent.

"I just wanna have a good time with you." Colton's voice sounds content. I turn to him and catch him looking at me, completely under a spell.

I wish we met under a different circumstance. I would have loved to get to know a guy like Colton, a rich, handsome boy who sought violence as his entertainment. I wonder if all that tough-guy attitude is just a façade. But it would still not explain why he bullied me.

I'm going to tear him open page by page, demanding why he bullied me.

And I don't want that because I liked you bullshit.

"Nature Berry?" My eyes wash over the white front glowing in the night light.

Colton parks his car.

"Yeah," he sends me a sheepish smile, "I hope it's okay."

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