Chapter Forty Six

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"Are you girls ready?" Zack hollers from outside of Nolee's bedroom door.

"No." Nolee laughs as she whirls her mascara wand over her eyelashes.

"Damn." Zack mutters as his voice disappears.

Blair looks at us with exasperation as she applies some clear gloss on her lips.

"Men have no patience, I swear."

Nolee and I nod in amusement.

It's only been thirty minutes that we've been getting ready and the boys are tired of waiting. They're such babies.

It's New Year's Eve and Blair suggested we go out and celebrate it. The boys are coming along and I'll honestly say that I'm super excited for tonight. It'll be my first New Year's with a boyfriend. I can't wait for all the fun we're going to have, dancing, drinking, making out with our boyfriends, and genuinely having a memorable night.

I'm sitting on Nolee's bed, as I close the strap on my black heels. I didn't know what to wear tonight so I've gone with a simple mini black dress with spaghetti straps and it's backless. I grin to myself upon remembering the surprise I have for Xavier.

My heart flutters at the thought of what he's going to do when he finds out.

"B, you okay?" Nolee's question breaks me out of my thoughts.

She's looking at Blair in concern. I look at the girl and aside from her glowing skin and amazing makeup, I can see the hint of sadness in her blue eyes.

But Blair plays it cool.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Her smile doesn't reach her eyes and Nolee and I notice it.

"You can't fool us, B." I softly say.

Something is eating at her and Blair is so good at keeping her emotions locked up inside her that sometimes it's impossible to tell if she's hurting or even to make her admit them.

Blair puts down her lipgloss with a heavy sigh, her eyes downcast.

"He wants us to be friends."

"Hudson?" I ask but when realize what a dumb question that is, I embarrassingly grin, "Obviously Hudson."

Blair chuckles.

"Has he apologized?" Nolee asks from where she's sitting on her vanity table chair.

"Got on his knees?" I add.

"Bought you every Prada bag there is?" Nolee raises her brow.

Blair smiles lightly at our questions

"Yes, no, and no," she plays with the hem of her dress, "I know we need this but it hurts. We had so much before and I thought he was the one but I guess I was wrong."

My heart aches for her but she's right, they need this. A break will help them figure out their feelings for each other and they'll get to focus on themselves which is so important. Relationships are a lot of effort and sometimes it's so easy to lose yourself in them, that's why ever since Xavier and I have started dating, I've put aside days for myself where I can focus on my studying, do my self-care and read.

Being with Xavier is amazing but sometimes, I need my own space. Before Xavier, I loved being alone and I still do but he has opened a new world of togetherness that I adore.

"Becoming friends is good, it gives you boundaries and it'll make him realize what he's lost," Nolee says, "And it'll help you figure out if it was him that you were falling for or the idea of him."

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