Chapter Eighty Four

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I watch in amusement as Lia attempts to carry the box of books up the apartment building stairs. She practically pushed me away when I tried to take it from her but she was so persistent about carrying that by herself. And I can never say no to that girl so here I am keeping my eyes locked on her if she falls or drops the box.

Lia may look small and fragile but the girl packs some serious strength. Those slender arms of hers are stronger than mine sometimes. And that's hot.

"Watch your step." I say with mild amusement when she tries to peek around the box to find the concrete step.

"Would you shut up? I'm trying to concentrate." She grumbles and a laugh bubbles out of me.

"On walking?"

Lia stops and twists her body to glare at me, I clamp my mouth shut trying to hold back my laughter. She's so damn cute, I just want to hug her.

We're helping Nolee move into Zack's apartment. He asked her to move in with her when we got back from Hawaii. It came as a surprise to the girls and I heard Lia and Blair shed tears, but they were supportive and happy for their best friend.

I'm ripped out of my thoughts when I see Lia trip and drop the box. In a flash, I'm behind her, grabbing her so she doesn't fall back. She falls into me with a shriek and my lungs empty out from anger and concern.

"Fuck. Are you hurt? I told you to be careful, Lia." I snap at her, not feeling one bit remorseful. My eyes roam around her body, checking for any injuries. I swear if there's one goddamn bruise on her body, I'm raising hell.

"I'm fine." Lia softly mutters, her eyes wide and tender as they lock on mine. I clench my jaw and grab the stupid box from her.

"Walk ahead of me." I grumble, completely fucking annoyed that she almost got hurt. Lia quietly walks ahead of me, her eyes warily watching me and she knows best to not trigger me, especially when it comes to her safety.

"What took you guys so long?" Blair asks as soon as we step through Zack's living room.

"Lia was learning how to walk." I say casually.

Her friends look at me weird.

Lia smacks my arm which makes me burst out laughing. I ask Nolee where she wants her box of books and she says to just leave it in the living room, so I do. For the next couple of hours, we help them clear out space to make room for Nolee's stuff and assemble a bookcase. We take a break in between to eat pizza that Zack orders and I find myself smiling as I watch Lia laugh with her friends.

She's glowing. Her cheeks are an adorable shade of pink. And her hair is in this loose braid that falls down to her waist with some strands framing her face. She's in sweatpants and a hoodie with no makeup on and she looks breathtaking. When looking at her from afar, I always get this rush of love-filled awe that she is mine. That I've kissed her, held her, made love to her. My possessiveness rears its ugly head whenever she's around. Whether she's alone, with her friends, or with some fuckhead, I know that she's mine.

Completely mine.

When Hudson and Zack distract their girls, I get up with a faint smile on my face. Lia is munching on her pizza with her attention on the movie playing on the television. Crouching down beside her, I place my hand on her head, caressing her hair, then lean down to whisper in her ear.

"Friend pact," I smile with a racing heart, "Stop looking so pretty because it makes me want to kiss you."

Lia stares up at me with wide, demure eyes. Her blushing cheeks make me want to kiss them. Fuck, I want to hug her.

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