Chapter Ninety One

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On Friday, Xavier surprises me by coming by my studio. On my lunch break, I'm sitting in the cafe that is situated on the ground floor of the building, reading War, Unjust on my kindle. The book is super dark and fucked up.

"Hi." He sits on the seat next to mine, bringing forth his mouthwatering scent.

"Hi," I beam at him, "What are you doing here?" I love it every time he shows up at my studio. It gives me butterflies.

"Got bored." Xavier says with his lips curled up with a faint smile and his eyes on my lips.

I giggle at his honesty.

"What are you reading?" He asks, peeking at the screen of my black kindle.

"War, Unjust."

"Is it good? Does it have smut?"

I laugh and elbow his side earning a deep chuckle from him.

"But to answer your questions. Yes, it's good and a little. But it's super dark."

A grin breaks out on his face as he grabs his phone and goes through the process of buying the ebook onto his Kindle app.

With a light laugh, I go back to reading the chapter I'm on and get through to the next only to realize that Xavier has been sitting quietly next to me, watching me read, letting me read. He has his arm thrown over the back of my chair and I can feel him play with the ends of my hair absentmindedly.

I smile.

"You'll get more bored if you keep watching me read." I look up into his eyes, completely spellbound by how gorgeous they are.

Xavier glances at my lips for a second, bringing his hand to my stomach to play with the pocket of my hoodie before catching my eyes with a goofy grin.

"I can never bore of watching you do what you love."

Warmth and flowers shower every inch of my body. My cheeks heat with shyness and I tear my eyes away from his making him chuckle once again.

His laugh melts my heart so I can't help but stare at him with adoration. My eyes softe and head tilted. This man is a part of me and it's dream-like to be in love with him. And it doesn't hurt that he's insanely attractive.

His masculinity, dominance, dangerous allure, and sweetness make me lose my senses. There can't be another man because I'm so intertwined with this one that I don't know where he begins and I end.

Xavier stretches his arm out to rest it on the table, evidently caging me in his proximity so that I have no choice but to be in his orbit. His eyes have this soft, marshmallowy glow to them that all I want to do is cuddle with him.

"Go on a date with me."

I'm completely taken aback but my smile never weavers.


Xavier grins, his dimple making my stomach flutter.

"I'm asking you out on a date."

"As a friend...?" I playfully eye his lips than his eyes.

He chuckles.


Relief makes me lighter from his intentions. If he said yes, I would have ripped his head off.


Kind of.

We've made healthier progress with our friendship pact but there's still that heart-to-heart that I think we need because right now I feel a little empty without knowing his deepest feelings for me.

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