Chapter Fifty

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Hurling my hoodie onto the couch, I walk into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. I was out with my skateboard and missing the girl who is supposed to be learning to ride hers.

When I walk back into the comically spacious living room, I spot my parents enter from the hallway that leads into the back garden.

"Oh," I falter in my steps, looking at them after nearly two months, "When did you guys come back?"

Two months.

Two months they were gone and they only called once.

"An hour ago," my mom smiles as she walks up to me and hugs me, "How have you been?"

An hour ago? And they didn't bother calling me or texting to say they're home? Whatever.

I hug her back with as much willingness as I would eating glass for breakfast or riding my board without the wheels.


She lets me go.

"Be ready by 8 tonight. We're having dinner with a very important client and I want you there." My father doesn't even spare me a glance as he speaks to me.

A little disappointment aches my chest at his dismissive attitude towards me. Will it hurt him to say hi? Or pat me on the back or something? Mom is at least a little motherly. My father would rather chew on grass than show a little affection towards his one and only son—his heir.


"Why?" I ask, dropping onto the couch and manspreading.

But both of them are too busy talking to each other and tapping away on their phones to realize I asked them a question. It always goes like this. On the rare occasion we're in the same vicinity as each other, they barely even pay attention to me.

My father walks out of the room.

"You'll be so happy, I just know it." My mom says as she follows my father, leaving me alone...yet again.

Why did they have me?

That question bugs me with every breath I take.

If they were going to let nannies raise me, send me off to a private high school abroad and abandon me so they could travel all around the world—business or not—why did they have me?

I was like an accessory to them. One they used only when they needed it. Family pictures. Business dinners. Charity events.

They gave me all the money in the world but never bought anything for me. It was like they were allergic to gifting their son anything. I bought my own car, my own clothes, my own school books—with their money obviously—but I couldn't give two fucks if I was spending their money.

Hell, I deserved it with the way they treated me.

Never once did they attend a volleyball game of mine in high school. Or attend parent-teacher meetings. Or—this is my favorite—attend my high school graduation. Nobody came. I was left there alone, standing alone like an idiot whilst other children hugged and took pictures with their proud parents.

Fuck this.

Throwing on my hoodie, I grab my phone, car keys and walk out of the house.

<3 <3 <3 <3

"Hey." I smile at her, immediately feeling my chest easing from the irritation that seeing my parents caused.

Blair looks up from her sketchbook, her blue eyes widening a little as she finds me standing in front of her work table.

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