let me get this straight

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Promise chapters will be longer than this, just not used to writing fluff. Ya know, I'm an angst baby. Anyways I haven't seen a story like this and i crave.


Edd groaned, pacing back and forth. "So let me get this straight, Tord was messing around with one of his inventions and somehow turned himself into a baby?" He said, stopping to stare at the bundle in toms arms.

"Yep, that's about it. I literally don't know how to fix this mess. Maybe it'll just go away." The eyeless man sighed in annoyance. That goddamn commie was going to be the death of him.

"I mean, he's really cute," Matt said, leaning in to get a closer look at the infant.

He had fluffy caramel hair, pale skin with freckles splattered across his chubby cheeks. He was very small, probably a few months to a year old. He was asleep, thankfully, and fitted with a diaper and onesie. He indeed was cute.

"How are we gonna do this? Well need to go back out for formula and a crib" edd sighed, though he didn't actually seem all that angry. Just slightly inconvenienced.

"And what if he cries? I need my beauty sleep" matt whined childishly. Tom and edd rolled their eyes, just tired and annoyed.

"Hush, you'll wake him. Now, We don't have a car seat so we can't really take him with us. Best bet is one of us stays here with him" Tom Sighed, glancing down at the baby. Why was he so goddamn adorable??

"Why don't you stay here? He seems to like you enough" edd smirked, slipping into his black converse. Tom groaned, but matt was already up and pulling on his overcoat. "Don't worry. We'll be back real soon." Edd called over his shoulder as he and matt dashed out the door.

"Fucking traders.." He grumbled. With nothing else to do, tom turned on the TV. He grained as the children began to play.

Tom was startled by a shriek, the baby in his arms started to cry. Two teary silver orbs stared up at him. "Shit..!" Tom cursed under his breath as Tord sobbed. How do people calm babies again?

Carefully, tom brought tord to his chest, resting his small head on his shoulder and gently bouncing him. "Shh, it's alright. It's alright now. You don't have to cry, shh" he shushed softly, using what little information he remembered from his babysitting days.

Slowly, Tord's cries came to a stop. He gripped Tom's hoodie lightly, blue fabric scrunched in tiny fists. Tiny silver orbs peered at him, tord nibbling on his hoodie. "Hey! That's not food silly," he chuckled, shifting him so he was once again cradling him.

"Ba?" Tord cooed cutely in baby talk, reaching up for tom. 'Dear lord why the fuck are children so cute?' Tom thought, giving tord his finger. Tord sucked on his finger, still staring up at him. "Heh, guess you're hungry."

Tord squealed in protest when tom removed his hand from his mouth to grab his phone. Tom chuckled at the pouted baby, but quickly dialed edds number for fear tord might start crying again. Hitting speaker, tom sat the device down on the arm of the couch. Happy giggles floated through the air as Tord once again got a hold of toms hand, his grin wide with his front teeth showing.

"Hey, tom. How's tord doing?" Edd chipped over the phone.

"Yeah, he woke up. I think he's hungry, keeps sucking my finger." Tom replied, and tord babbled a bit as if confirming. Matt's squeal could be heard through the phone.

"Well, we're almost home, so don't worry. And Hi tord!" Edd called, receiving a cue in response. Tom huffed, smiling down at the small being in his arms.

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