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♡——♡{This girl}♡——♡

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{This girl}

You groan.

Your whole body was aching.

Fučk man I am never having sex again.
You look at your side to see a face.

Holy shit.

The man was Jung Hoseok.

You screech and without you knowing, you fall off the bed.

The horrible screech wakes Hoseok up and he jolts awake.

"What?!" he shouts.

You whine, the pain too much.

"Ji-ae?" he calls out.

"Down here, Hoseok."

He prompts to look at your side and when he does take a look at you, he laughs.

"What? How did you even manage to fall down?" he laughs.

You glare at him.

You grab his arm and pull him down as well, making him land on top of you.

"Like that, mother fucker." you spit.

You open your eyes to see Hoseok looking at you with wide eyes as well and you can't help but gasp.

Thank the lord he was wearing his jeans, problem was, he wasn't wearing a shirt, making you have a very good view of his toned abs and muscles.

Wow, that's a hunk-hunk.

"Uh..." Hoseok awkwardly mumbles as you eye him.

You eyes widen.

"H-Hey, get off me, you peasant!" you push him away and stand up, thankfully, the blanket still with you.

"I ain't a peasant." he scoffs.

"Shi—I don't have spare clothes. I will have to wear these again till we buy. Okay, let's freshen up, and then we will go for shopping. I have money to buy clothes." you say.

Hoseok's mouth was hung open.

You raise a brow.


"No, nothing. You go first." he looks away and you scoff.

Before you enter the bathroom, you make sure to glance at Hoseok, and he was staring outside the window, eyes narrowed and deep in thoughts.

He is acting weird.

Shaking your head, you enter the bathroom for a long shower.

The moment Hoseok hears the click of the bathroom door, he groans and plops on the bed.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐮𝐲. ||J.HSK||Where stories live. Discover now