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"Ji-ae? Are you sure?"

"Yes. Leave me now. Or I will smudge your face as well.", you snap. And the one who was holding immediately lets you go.

"WHERE IS JUNGKOOK?!", you shout at Jimin who was looking down.

"I won't let him meet you, Ji-ae. You are not in the state to meet the broken boy right now. Look at you! You need a therapy before you walk again!", Jimin explains you why you can't meet Jungkook for now.

"But... Why? Because I might get hyper again? No. I promise. I won't.", you swear to Jimin who simply shakes his head.

"Still a no.", Jimin replies. You sigh. You look at the man behind you and glare at him.

"Who are you?", you spat at him and he just gulps.

"Ji-ae. What happened to be polite to everyone?", Jimin warns you and grit your teeth.

"Right. Who are you?", you ask this time with a mocking smile and tone. The man just gulps again and smiles.

"Kim Taehyung... Your brother's friend?", he replies and you were shocked.

"The model? OMG!", you yell softly, and gasp. After Jimin, Taehyung was the second model YIU admired the most. Though Jimin never talks about his work like to you or Jungkook, you were always updated to them.

"Yes. You know me? That's good.", Taehyung just chuckles as he moves to Jimin, practically running.

"Ji-ae, you need to rest.", Jimin tells you as he tucks you in the bed again.

"Oh come on! Oppa, it has been a week since I saw the light outside! Not only that, I didn't even see Jungkook!!", you complain.

"I do agree with that one Jimin. She ne— I meant nothing!", Taehyung takes an u-turn when Jimin glares at him. Poor man.

"Be quiet and take rest. Once you are out, you will be free again.", Jimin reminds you the same words again and stands up from his seat after tucking you in.

"Bye, Ji-ae. I will visit later.", with that, Jimin pulls Taehyung out with him and leaves your room.

"Jimin... I think you are being too strict with her. Come on! She is doing her therapy and she can Atleast go visit the garden!", Taehyung explains Jimin, hopefully wishing that he would understand.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐮𝐲. ||J.HSK||Where stories live. Discover now