Chapter Seventy One - End

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*Ok, so I was going to do a sequel but it didn't work out. I've got so many books I have to work on and I feel satisfied with this ending. I'm sorry if you were looking forward to the sequel or if you read the sequel and liked what I had posted. For this you can simply ignore all the deviousness of Cassandra and Ruby. Again, sorry about the sequel not working out.*        

"Who would've thought we'd escape the Volturi without a fight" Alison said smiling as she watched everyone begin to leave peacefully. She was looking forward to having some privacy. She hoped everything would start to go back to normal but after everything that happened, she couldn't even remember what normal feels like. She knew that as long as the family stayed together and she had Embry, they were going to be alright. With the Volturi gone and Victoria dead, there was no more danger. Embry smiled turning her towards him. She smiled bringing him in for a kiss.

"I love you" He mumbled against her lips. She grinned pulling him into a hug laying her head on his shoulder. Now that everything with the Volturi is over, she couldn't help but to wonder about their future. She loved the Cullens and she loved Tiffany but she didn't want to live with them forever. She wanted to be with Embry alone for a while, have their own home. She didn't want to be too far from them but still, far enough to be alone.

She never wanted to leave Embry's arms again. She loved being in them, she felt safe and hoped that he felt safe with her as well. He did. However, she couldn't help but to wonder about Bree. They were family, blood family and she couldn't just leave her. With her memories back she wanted to learn more about her and her life. She loved Bree and didn't want her to think that they were abandoning her. The more she thought about Bree the more she wanted to go find her. She wanted to make sure she was alright and had relaxed more from the face off with the Volturi.

"I'll be right back" She whispered to him. They slowly let go of each other but he kissed her forehead before she could leave. She smiled at him before looking around to find Bree. Alison left in search for the young vampire only to find her and Leah sharing a moment together.

Alison smiled crossing her arms and leaned against the tree. She watched the two girls together. From the looks of it, Leah had finally given into the imprint and that made the two of them very happy. Alison smiled even wider and bounced in her spot excitedly when she saw the pair leaning in for a kiss.

"Hey! No PDA!" Seth shouted. Alison's head whipped towards him. She was beside him in an instant and slapped him upside the head pretty hard.

"Shut up, mutt!" Alison snapped before looking back to the pair of teenage girls in front of her. Alison smiled widely and waved. "Hey, ladies, don't mind us, we're leaving" She said happily. Alison gripped Seth's ear and pulled him away. He managed to slip away before she could finish scolding him. She went to follow but Embry came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, spun her around and planted his lips on hers. Completely forgetting about Seth she melted into Embry, happy to kiss him back.

"I love you" He whispered to her. She smiled pulling him into a hug. She laid her head on his shoulder, her fingers twirling a few locks of his hair.

"I love you more" She whispered back to him. His arms tightened around her as they just stood there, hugging each other.

"Marry me" He whispered to her. Alison tensed slightly. Embry tensed as well wishing for the best but expecting the worst.

"Come again?" She asked not sure if she heard him right. She pulled away from him and he reached into his pocket.

"This is my grandmothers ring." He told her. The grin on her face slowly expanded. "I'd really love it if you married me." He said obviously nervous as his palms began to sweat and his heart raced.

"Of course I'll marry you." She said. They both grinned widely. Embry but the ring on her finger and Alison lept into his arms. He laughed and spun her around, holding her tightly against him.

Alice squealed from where she was standing with Jasper. She sped over to the newly engaged couple. Embry let go of Alison so that she could hug Alice. They both jumped in a circle completely excited. Soon, everyone was beginning to congratulate them. While Alison was slowly being pulled away by excited Cullens, Embry was being pulled off by rowdy pack members.

Before they could be completely separated, they gave each other a final glance. Grins were planted on their face, neither one of them knowing when they would disappear. For the first time in what feels like forever, they were safe. There was no drama, there was only pure happiness. Everything was perfect and the future looked bright.


And that is the absolute end to this book. I hope you enjoyed it and that the alternate ending was satisfying.

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