Chapter Sixteen - Imprint

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        "Alison" Alice said jogging to catch up with her. It was no secret that she had been avoiding the family ever since her incident with Rose.

"Hey, Alice" Alison said with a half smile.

"We're having a party tomorrow for Bella, we'd love it if you'd come" Alice said with a smile. Alison thought about it, if she were being honest she'd rather just be alone or with Embry but tomorrow Embry had patrol all night so she wouldn't see him.

"Sure" Alison said with a smile and nodded.

"Yay!" Alice said hugging Alison tightly. Alison tensed but didn't push her away. "It's going to be a lot of fun, you won't regret it" She said before skipping off to Jasper. Alison smiled a little bit before looking away and made eye contact with Rose. The blond vampire seemed hopeful for a conversation but Alison didn't want to talk, she didn't want to argue again. She broke eye contact and walked out of the school disappeared in the woods.

"Hey, Allie" Embry said walking up to her. She smiled widely at the nickname and didn't hesitate to give him a hug which he gladly accepted. "I missed you" He said leaning his head against hers.

"You saw me a couple days ago" She said looking up at him.

"Too long" He said with a smile on his face. She grinned as they pulled away but Embry kept a grip on her hand.

"Bella is having a birthday party tomorrow" Alison mentioned walking down the street with Embry.

"Really? You going?" He asked looking at her.

"Yea, I told Alice I would... I can't keep avoiding them" She told him with a shrug.

"I'm sure you'll have fun" Embry told her. "Have you talked to Rose?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No, not recently" She said gripping onto his hand. "What's it like being a wolf?" She asked looking at him.

"It's pretty cool" He said with a smile. "Turning into a large animal has it's perks but like everything it's got some down sides too" He said.

"Like what?" She asked curiously.

"Like I have to follow orders no matter what" He said. "It sucks but I'm getting used to it"

"And what's one of the perks?" She asked. "Besides turning into a large animal" She added quickly. He grinned as he stopped walking and looked at her. He didn't know if she knew about imprinting, he doubted it but now was as good a time as ever to talk to her about it. As he thought about what he was going to say he became really nervous, he didn't know why but he felt himself chickening out of telling her.

"Umm" He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Well.... I get to eat more food, I've always loved food. So, I can never get enough since I burn so much when I'm a wolf" He said cursing himself for not telling her.

"I don't remember what food tastes like" She told him. "It looks good though" She said and he just nodded not knowing how to respond.

"Have you gotten any memories back?" He asked her and she sighed.

"It's confusing. When I try and think about it all I get are blurry imagines. I can't sort them out and I can't see them clearly" She said frustrated.

"You probably just need more time" He reassured. She sighed nodding and then linked their arms together.

"Even if I don't get them back then that's alright. I'm just glad I didn't know you before then, I'd hate to not remember you" She said and he smiled at her. Her saying that was enough to give him confidence to talk to her about imprinting.

"Have you ever heard the term, Imprint?" He asked beginning to get nervous again but knew it was too late to back down.

"No" She told him honestly. "What is it?" She asked.

"It has to do with us, werewolves" He told her. "When a werewolf finds someone they imprint on them"

"Like a mate" Alison said softly looking into Embry's eyes.

"Exactly" He told her turning to face her completely.

"It makes sense" She muttered and he gave her a small grin lifting his hand to caress her face. "Has anyone ever imprinted on a vampire before?" She asked softly.

"No, just me" He told her making her smile a little bit wider. "And I couldn't be happier"


This chapter sucked in my opinion so I'm sorry, the next one will be better, promise.

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