Chapter Forty Four - The Night Before

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        "Are you nervous for tomorrow?" Alison asked with her head on Embry's chest. He was slowly rubbing up and down her back as they both laid on his bed. He was sharing a room with Jake but he was out right now with Edward and Bella, lucky him, so they had the room to themselves.

"A little" He admitted. "But it's going to be alright." He said nodding. "We're going to be ok" He said kissing the top of her head. With Bella's help, Alison was finally able to convince the rest of the family that Victoria was behind this. Victoria sent the newborn to kill Tiffany and Embry, Victoria is creating the army. Alison moved her head to look up at him.

"Do you ever think about the future?" She asked.

"The future?" He asked and she nodded. "For us?" He asked and she nodded again. "Have you?" He asked her.

"I just started now" She told him. "I've never been one to think of the future" She told him shrugging. "Being a vampire, there isn't much to look forward to. Year after year, it's the same thing. But now things are different" She said. "A good different" She said and he smiled.

"Well, the whole werewolf thing will keep me young forever so we've got forever to figure out our future" He said and she smiled at the thought of having him for multiple life times. "I already told you that I was going to follow you anywhere" He said and she nodded.

"I know" She said. "But I want your opinion on things. Like, do you want to stay in La Push? Do you want to move somewhere?" She said looking optimistic for the future but then her face fell.

"What?" He asked pulling some of her hair behind her ear. "What're you thinking about?" He asked wondering why her mood changed so quickly.

"I can't give you any kids" She said and he looked at her. He had never thought about it to be honest. He didn't even know if he wanted kids. "I can't start a family" She said. Embry could tell that starting a family was something she wanted. This was the first time he had actually wished she was human, that way they could start a family together. Having all their kids look like her, now that he thought about it, it was something her wanted.

"Hey" He said softly. "We can still start a family, we can adopt" He said. "We can figure all of that out, we have time" He said and she smiled relaxing a little bit. "It's alright, I love you the way you are" He said.

"I'm happy with any kind of future, as long as you're in it" She whispered to him. Embry grinned as she shifted so that she was able to kiss him. He gripped her waist deepening the kiss. She then straddled his waist getting comfortable. Not breaking the kiss, Embry sat up moving so he was leaning against the wall. Alison ran her fingers through his hair as he rubbed the outside of her legs. His fingers dug into her skin making her smile.

Alison could hear his heart picking up as her hands ran over his chest. His hands trailed up her waist and under her shirt. Her body moved closer to his feeling his warm hands against her cold skin. It felt good, as if the temperatures were evening themselves out. Embry's breathing began to pick up and she pulled away so that he could catch his breath. However, she didn't stop kissing him as she slowly trailed down his neck. Embry leaned his head back against the wall trying to calm down but it was impossible with her.

As Alison trailed down his neck she got closer to his pulse. It was beating faster than a jack rabbit. She tried not to focus on it but it was hard, it was tempting. Soon the urge became too much and she pulled away. Embry took the opportunity to kiss her lips. She kissed him back but her mind continued to go back to his pulse. She pulled away from him and he tried to kiss her again.

"Embry, stop" She said forcing him away from her. Hearing the tone of her voice he stopped and looked at her concerned as he slowly began to breath normally. "I'm sorry" She said.

"Don't be sorry" He said shaking his head. "Besides, I don't think doing it in my best friends room with my mom and his dad in the next room with these thin ass walls is a good idea" He said trying to lighten the mood. She smiled and laugh a little bit.

"I just... I don't want to hurt you" She said and he smiled at her.

"We'll work through this" He said putting his forehead on hers. "We'll figure this out together" He said and she smiled kissing his nose.

"Besides, you should be getting sleep, you're going to need all of your strength for tomorrow" She said and he nodded. "I have to go hunt anyways, I need to be as strong as possible for tomorrow" She said getting off of the bed. He grabbed her hand pulling her back for one last kiss.

"I love you" He said and she smiled back at him.

"I love you more" She whispered before leaving the room.

"Alison" Alison stopped before she left the house and turned looking at Tiffany. She was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of hot tea. "Come sit with me" She said and Alison slowly nodded walking over siting across from her. "I know what's happening tomorrow and I also know that there is no talking Embry out of not going"

"These wolves arm more than capable of handling themselves" Alison said. "They were created for the reason to kill vampires" She said.

"That's what Billy keeps telling me" She said but it was obvious that Tiffany was still uneasy about the entire thing. "But I'm a mother, I will always be worried about Embry. And now I find out he's going up against an army of vampires" She said and Alison gave her a small smile. This couldn't be easy for her, Alison could only imagine the worry and stress Tiffany is going through right now. "I need to ask you something" She said.

"Anything" Alison said wanting to help relieve some of her stress.

"Look after Embry, please. He's all I have, I can't lose him" She said on the verge of crying. Alison reached over grabbing her hand gently. Tiffany gripped onto it tightly.

"You have my word, Embry's safety is my number one priority. I promise you I will bring him back to you alive and in one piece" She said looking her in the eyes. Tiffany closed her eyes a moment later relaxing. "Tiffany, I love him. Without him my life would mean nothing" She told her making Tiffany open her eyes. "I will never stop protecting him" Tiffany believed her.

"I'm so sorry, I was so terrible to you" She whispered and Alison smiled.

"Don't" She said shaking her head. "You were protecting Embry an I can respect that" She said nodding. "As long as you promise to stop trying to break us up" She said and Tiffany smiled letting go of her hand.

"I can promise that" She said and Alison smiled.

"Get some sleep, Tiffany" She said standing up. "Let me worry about Embry's safety tomorrow, alright?" She asked softly. Tiffany nodded letting out a slow breath.

"Alison" Tiffany said as she opened the door to leave. Alison stopped looking at her curiously. "I never did thank you for saving my life, Embry explained how hard it was for you" She said and Alison smiled.

"I would do it again if I needed to" She said and Tiffany smiled a little bit. "I'll see you later, alright?" She asked and Tiffany smiled nodding before Alison left.

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