Chapter Forty Two - Sway

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        "So, when were you going to tell me about the newborn army?" Embry asked looking at Alison as they walked out of the house, slowly walking through the woods.

"Umm, today?" She said uncertainly. Embry gave her a look making her feel slightly bad. "We didn't want to get you guys involved without knowing exactly what we were going to do" She said. "We weren't even sure if we were going to get involved or not, but now we don't have a choice" She said. "I'm sorry" She said and he lifted their hands up to his mouth kissing her knuckles.

"It's alright" He said with a smile. He then twirled her around before pulling her back to him. "I never did get that dance" He said as they swayed back and forth.

"No, you didn't" She said wrapping her arms around his neck. "How did it go with your mother today?" She asked.

"I'm just glad she didn't have a heart attack when she saw me shift" He said and she smiled. "I'm just glad she knows, it's a lot of stress off of my shoulders" He said and she nodded playing with his hair at the base of his neck.

"How's her house?" She asked remembering it was in pretty rough shape.

"When you went to save her, did you throw him through a wall?" He asked and she smirked.

"He did it first" She defended. "He through me through a wall and so I through him through a wall outside so that Jake and Paul could deal with him" She said shrugging. He laughed shaking his head.

"Well, it's not structurally sound anymore" He said. "Will all the holes and dents in the walls."

"I guess I could have been a little more careful" She said and he shrugged.

"As long as you two are safe, I don't care" He said. "We're bunking with Jake and Billy. We don't have the money to get it fixed but the pack is helping out. We're going to fix it up whenever we get the time" He said and she nodded.

"That'll be fun" She said.

"I'm just glad that she won't be alone anymore" He said. "She'll at least have Billy who knows how to get in contact with one of us if she needs us" Alison nodded listening to him.

"How is she taking it though?" Alison asked. "You putting your life at risk, being with me?" She asked.

"Well, she tried to convince me to just stop doing all of this but that just isn't possible. Billy is explaining it from a parents point of view, trying to get her to relax a little bit. As for you, I think she's starting to realize that I'm never leaving you." He said and Alison smiled. "She's realizing that you're apart of my life and you will always be apart of my life" He said and she smiled kissing him. They could still hear the music from the house with didn't make it awkward as they just swayed in the middle of the forest.

"I think I should talk to her again, at some point" She said pulling away putting her forehead on his. "Hopefully I can get her to like me now that she doesn't think I'm ruining your life" She said and he smiled.

"I would love for you two to get along" He said nodding. "I really do think she'll like you, you got everyone else to like you" He said and she smiled shrugging.

"It's a gift" She said. "A very useful one, in my case" She said and he smiled kissing her nose making her face scrunch up. He laughed pulling her into a hug. "I look forward to a relaxing life" She said.

"I forget what that feels like" He muttered making her laugh.

"It's not having to worry about someone trying to kill someone else you love, it's not having to stress about anything, just living" She said and he smiled.

"Sounds too good to be true" He said and she smiled.

"Well hopefully after we get rid of Victoria and this damn army we can have some down time" She said and he smiled at her. "Some time to ourselves"

"Now that sounds even better" He said picking her up spinning her around looking at her like she was the only person that mattered in the world. "I'll follow you anywhere" He said slowly setting her back down. "Wherever you go, I'm with you. I'm loyal to you before anybody else" He said as she caressed his face.

"And I promise you, I will never force you to do anything you don't want to do" She said knowing that she would never want to put him in a position where he would have to choose between her or his pack and mother. She loved him too much to do that. He smiled before slowly kissing her as they continued to sway in the forest with the music playing softly in the background.

*Cute moment or nah?*

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