Chapter Three - Lunch

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        It was lunch. Alison had managed to get through half of the day without killing anybody which was such a huge accomplishment for her. She wanted to bail and run away so many times but then she remembered how much her family wanted this to work for her so she tried her best to do well here. She made her way towards her family who were waiting on her before going to the cafeteria.

"Well look who's still here?" Emmett questioned grinning from ear to ear. Alison smiled looking down feeling embarrassed. "Edward owes me some money" He said making Alison look up.

"What?" She asked raising her eyebrows at him.

"We made a bet on how long you'd last. I had more faith in you than him" He boasted which only made Rosalie elbow him harshly. "Ow, what? I was complimenting her" He said not understanding what he had done wrong.

"Stop being rude, you shouldn't have made the bet in the first place" She scolded.

"It's fine, Rose, really" Alison said with a small smile towards the protective blond.

"No, it's not, you're just too polite to say so" Rose said and Alison just awkwardly shrugged.

"Come on, we can't just stay out here all day" Alice said skipping over to Alison. "I am very happy to see you here" She said giving her a gentle hug. "And very proud" She added.

"Thanks Alice" She said and she nodded before returning to Jasper who needed her to stay grounded. Alison wasn't the only one having trouble being here.

Today wasn't only Alison's first day. Bella Swan was here for the first time as well. She had just moved up from Arizona to live with her father. She was oddly pale for living in Arizona, something almost everybody has mentioned so far. Despite it only being her first day she seemed to be making friends and quickly. She didn't think she'd make friends with these kinds of outgoing people but here she was, listening to all kinds of conversations but not really in them.

She looked around the cafeteria getting a feeling of the area. It was very different from Arizona but she felt like it was a good different. She missed her mom and the sunshine but she needed a change of scenery. Besides, she missed her dad and didn't want to travel all around the world with her step father. As she looked around she saw some people walking into the room. People that were very different than everybody else. They set a new standard for popular's.

"Who are they?" Bella found herself questioning still not looking away from the people just walking in.

"The Cullens" Angela said automatically. Jessica looked at them before moving closer to Bella.

"Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids" She said quietly not wanting to make a big scene. It didn't matter since they could all hear her anyways, not that anybody else knew that. "They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago." She told her.

"They kinda keep to themselves" Angela said shrugging.

"Because they're all together... like, together together" Jessica said pressing her lips together with a shrug. "The blond girl, Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett" Jessica informed Bella. "They're a thing.... I'm not even sure that's legal" Jessica said with a shrug but was obviously jealous.

"Jess, they're not actually related" Angela said rolling her eyes at her friend.

"But they live together" Jessica shot back. "And the little dark haired girl, Alice, she's really weird" Jessica said glancing at Alice and Jasper. "She's with Jasper, the blond who looks like he's in pain" She said. Bella looked over seeing Jasper twirl Alice before she hugged his arm looking happy but Jess was right, he did look like he was in pain. "I mean, Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad slash match maker" Jessica said shrugging.

"Maybe he'll adopt me" Angela said dreamily.

"What about her?" Bella asked watching a girl trail behind Alice and Jasper, her arms cross and head down. She seemed to be hiding behind her hair as she sped towards their table taking a seat in between Jasper and Emmett.

"Oh, that's Alison, right?" Jessica asked looking at Angela who nodded. "She's new, she just started school today. All of the boys think she's hot but none will go after her. Her siblings seem to be extremely protective over her. She's never alone without at least one of them besides her. I don't know much about her" She said but Bella's attention was already to the door seeing a guy walking in.

"Who's he?" Bella asked and Jessica looked away from Alison and towards Edward.

"That's Edward Cullen" She said obviously crushing on him. "He's totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care" She scoffed. "Anyway, don't waste your time" She said.

"i wasn't planning on it" She said staring at the table the Cullen's were all sitting at.

"Maybe he'll get with Alison" Angela said smiling. "That would be cute" Jessica shrugged obviously wanting to switch topics not wanting to think of the times she had been turned down by the extremely handsome Cullen.

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