Chapter Twenty Five - Explanation

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        "Bella" Alison whispered trying not to scare her as she entered her room through the window.

"Alison" Bella said standing up. She quickly pulled Alison into a hug. "Laurent?" She asked pulling away.

"He's dead, don't worry" She said and Bella nodded. "I need you to explain why he's after you" She said. "I don't remember"

"Nobody told you?" Bella asked confused.

"They explained it to me but my memory wasn't good until a couple of months afterwards. I don't remember, Bella, you have to explain it to me so I can protect you" She said and Bella nodded sitting on her bed. Alison sat besides her.

"It was when Edward and I first got together. We went to play baseball when they came. There were three of them. Laurent, the vampire from earlier, and two others, James and Victoria. James and Victoria were mates, James was a tracker, that was his ability. He found out I was human and wanted to kill me. You all tried to protect me. You, Alice, Jasper and I fled to Phoenix but he was smart, he knew where we were. So I left and you followed me." She stopped as she felt the guilt again. "If was just you against James, I couldn't get out, I couldn't help. It was a trap but we realized it too late" She said not looking at Alison. "He almost killed you, he tore your head off but since he didn't burn your body you didn't die completely. You came back but you lost your memories. Edward killed James. Victoria wants revenge"

"What does Victoria look like?" She asked taking all of the information in.

"She's tall with red curly hair. She drinks human blood as well." Bella asked and Alison nodded.

"Don't worry, Bella. I won't let anything happen to you" She said and Bella smiled a little bit.

"It was my fault" Bella said before she could leave. "It's my fault you lost your memories, it's my fault you were put in that position. I'm so sorry" She whispered and Alison gave her a small smile.

"I don't do anything without a reason, Bella. I may not remember much about you, but you must have been worth the risk" She said and Bella smiled a little bit. "Seeing how you and Edward were together, I know it was worth it" She said before leaving. When she got back she found Rose and Emmett had finally returned.

"Hey" Rose said as Alison entered the house.

"Hey, have fun in Seattle?" She asked smirking. Rose smiled rolling her eyes. "We kind of have a situation here" She said making both her and Emmett look at Alison. "Victoria is going to try and kill Bella" She said.

"Great" Rose said sarcastically. "When is the drama going to stop with her?" She said and Alison sighed.

"Well, we can't just let her get hurt" Alison said.

"Why not? Edward doesn't seem to care anymore" Rose said.

"You know that's not true, Rose. We have to protect her until he comes back" She said and Rose rolled her eyes. "She can't protect herself, Rose, she's helpless." She said and Rose sighed.

"Is Victoria even here?" She asked.

"No, not yet at least" She said and Rose shrugged.

"Then I say we don't worry about it" She said simply. "She's not our problem anymore, Alison. We stayed for you and you stayed for Embry, Bella is not in this situation for us" She said and Alison sighed.

"I know, but it just doesn't seem right" Alison said.

"That's because you're a good person" Rose said with a smile. "Sometimes that quality can be dangerous for yourself" She said.

"I think it's a strength" Alison countered back. "Caring about somebody. Fighting for something. We're alive for a long time, Rose, we have to have some kind of meaning or else it's just a waste. We have to have a reason to keep going. I love Edward, he's my brother, our brother. It's obvious he still cares about Bella. I'm going to protect her until he comes to his senses and protects her himself. You can join me or not, that's your decision, I won't judge you. But I'm not about to just sit here and do nothing, it just doesn't make sense to me"

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