Inside Her Sleeping State

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Lucinda POV

My body felt stiff and the smell of cleanliness confirmed that I was in the pack hospital. I wondered who brought me here. OMG! Harrison, I hope that black wolf got him. I tried to open my eyes but they felt heavy. I used what strength I had in my body to lift them up but sadly they didn't. My body must have really shut down after Harrison attacked me.

Instead of using my energy to open my eyes, I will have to use my ears to listen in on conversations. I could hear a conversation in the room which sounds like it was between the doctor and others. I think it's Oliver and oh thank goddess, it's Jupiter. I wonder where River is?

I'm just in a sleeping state, according to the doctor. Well, that's good but they know why I am this way. The sound of the door closing, I feel that my Beta and Gamma are in the room now. They talk about what they were going to do while I'm in this state.

But wait, what was that about Abigail's body not being found. She's dead? Well, that being the suspect of being involved with everything. Unless it's a decoy to throw us off who it really is the other partner.

I feel my hand being lifted and I only feel one person in the room. Damn, I should be listening to the outside world. I listen to the words being spoken to me, "You are going to be okay. We need you but I will hold the pack together for you. I will find River and bring him home." Aww, Oliver. I just wanted to give him a hug, he sounded so vulnerable. He really does care for me and the pack. I do really wish that I made him Beta sooner. But then again, I do want to step down. After these years of leading, I feel that a new Alpha is needed.

A strong presence surrounded the room and I knew it was Zaliver. They talk about how I was doing. Then where they put Harrison and the other person called Earl. I wonder who he is. He must be important to this whole thing because he would have been killed. Finally, Oliver asked for Zaliver to be at the meeting. I'm guessing he agrees because other people were gone. With nothing left to hear, I let myself drift back into darkness.


What felt like forever but must have been a few hours later, voices were filled in the room. It sounded like it was Oliver and Zaliver. I'm guessing Jupiter is looking out for the pack or resting considering he was MIA before I blacked out. But going back to the convocation in the room, it sounded serious.

"Look we got it handled now, why don't you go back to your pack. She is going to be fine."

"Look, Oliver, she may be fine now but what I told you about Earl said to me. There is a chance that it is happening to her."

"You are going to trust this rogue, that held my friend and this pack Gamma as a hostage."

"He dies either way. He wanted to be helpful in his moment before his death. I'm not going back on my word. Also, when are you concerned about the rogue, you trusted a rogue before, Michual." I hear a sigh.

"Why the hell are we here then?"

"What you don't want to visit your Alpha. Plus I wanted to speak to the doctor about the cure that the rogue spoke about." A phone was going off and Zaliver must have answered it. "Hello, yes he is here. Lillian, I will have him send his number to you. Why did you call, Carlos hasn't returned? I sent him back. Okay okay. Get people to track and find him. Bye."

"Why did Lillian speak to you?" Why does my Beta want to know why a girl called Zaliver?

"Well, she wants your number. But to tell me about Carlos. He drove me here and then I sent him back because I needed him to look after my pack. But according to her, he didn't return. I'm worried like her that he is the partner because River was dragged away."

"Okay, give me her number later then." I blocked out the rest of their conversation because it's making my headache.

So what I took from what they were saying is that a rogue told them of the cure for dying she-wolves, now there is a risk that the cell is using my energy. Also that my Delta was taken away and Carlos is the possible partner for Harrison's gang. I did have a hunch that he might have been because of the way he looked at me. Lastly, Oliver has a possible mate with this Lillian girl. The way he sounded when she called Zaliver. I bet his face was priceless.

During my little reflection time, a small pressure entered me and quickly retracted. I felt liquid going all around my body. It was a weird feeling, considering I'm in my own head with nothing else to do. This makes my body feel more tired than it already does. Maybe they feel I'm in pain but I'm not.

I realised something, I haven't connected to my wolf. So I called for her. But sadly no response. I feel it was two things, she is healing me. So she doesn't want to connect with me right now. Or the worst of the two is that I'm too weak, she has disappeared from me and I currently wolf less. But I feel I'm just overreacting to what's happening. My wolf will come back to me when she is ready.

I connected myself back to what's around me but I'm dismayed, there was nobody having a conversation. But I did hear faint snores next to me. Then I realise that one of my hands is within another person's hands. With this, I let myself drift off back into the darkness with my thoughts swimming around me.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now