Welcome To White Rose Pack

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Lucinda POV

Have you ever got so nervous that you wanted to be sick? Yep, that's how I'm feeling right now. It's been 5 minutes since I got the mind link from the border. I think Oliver can sense my unease, as he links me saying "Calm Lucinda, don't look nervous. He would be able to smell it from you and it won't be good."

"Thanks, Ollie, I will try." I link back. Standing there I took deep breaths in and out, calming my nerves. By the time I felt better, I could hear cars coming toward us. I felt those nerves coming back again but I held my head high and tried to suppress them. I closed my eyes for what it felt like a second and I sensed the cars that carried the guest in front of me.

In front of me now, was 2 SUVs with my wolves surrounding it. I dismissed some of those wolves to go back to the border. The front SUV door opened and 3 wolves jumped out of it and went straight to the one behind, making like a line to show the way. The front 2 doors opened off the second reliving the other 2 warriors. One of the warriors then opened the side that wasn't near the packhouse. Then they both came round to my side. The wolf that got out of the SUV cleared his throat. "Wolves of this pack, I give you his highness King Zaliver." When he said his name, he opened the door and out he stepped.

He looked around and viewed his surroundings. Then his eyes locked onto the packhouse and us on the steps. He walked towards us with the man walking behind him. When he reached the bottom of the steps, I and the rest of those around me, bowed our heads as respect. even though it is my pack, he is higher than us. With my head bowed a bit I say to him "Welcome to White Rose Pack, your Majesty. I hope your journey wasn't too bad?"

"Please raise your heads and yes thank you, the journey to White Rose from Willowbank Pack was pleasant enough." He replied and we raised our heads. "As you know I'm King Zaliver and this wolf with me to my right is my Beta Carlos. The other wolves with us are some royal warriors. They are here to see how you train your wolves."

"Pleased to meet your Majesty and Beta Carlos. I'm Alpha Lucinda, to my right is Gamma Oliver and to my left is Delta River. I apologise for my Beta for not being present, he was kind of disrespecting my orders and questioning my deacons which were for the pack's interest and your safety."

"Well, that is not good enough, Alpha. All high-rank wolves must be present for the King." Carlos said out of spite.

"Carlos, no need to go off on one. She was just punishing him for his mistake." Zaliver stated to his Beta while looking at me. The eyes were judging me, to say if it did right.

"Of course, your majesty" Muttered Carlos.

"Well, umm, you should come in and I'll let someone show you to your rooms and then once settled someone can show you to my office and have the umm meeting about my pack," I said to realise the tension. Why did I say it like that, where's my confidence gone. It's his eyes, they are making me feel nervous and something else.

"Thank you, Alpha Lucinda," Zaliver said and walked up the steps and entered the packhouse. I linked Penny and Isla to show the king and crew their rooms. When they left with the girls, I let out a breath that I was holding.

"Well, that went better than I was expecting" Oliver committed. "But what is up with the Beta? That was uncalled for, calling you out for Mr disrespectful not being there."

"Ollie it's fine, it must run in the family then." I sighed.

"Wait what, what runs in the family?" Questioned River.

"Follow me to the office" I gestured to them both. I didn't want others to hear. While walking to the office, I mind linked Devon to make sure his butt was at the meeting. If not, he is in big trouble. We reached the office and they both took a seat in front of my desk with neat papers on it. I closed the door and took my seat behind the desk and slouched in the chair. "What I was saying is that Devon and Carlos are related and seems their behaviours kind of match. Both spiteful and moody."

"Really, umm, how are they related? Devon hasn't mentioned family members to us before." River said and Oliver nodded.

"What I tell you must leave this room since he doesn't want it to go round." They both nodded, I continued. "Both Beta's are half brothers. They come from the same father but different mothers. Carlos's mother wasn't their father's real mate but it was before he met Devon's mum. When Carlos's mother found she was pregnant with him, he was happy. Since he was Beta to the previous King. About 4 months into the pregnancy, he found Devon's mother here in this pack, his real mate. He didn't mark her but mated with her and got her pregnant with Devon. When the previous King found out he was furious with his Beta, he killed him. Luckily enough he didn't mark Carlos's mother either. They were both happy that he died and they decided that they both can grow together and see each other. That's how they find out they were half brothers. When both boys were at the age of taking Beta positions, their mothers let them and they both went off into the sunset and haven't heard from them since." I finished the story and both my Gamma and Delta were speechless.

"Lucie, how do you know this?" Asked Oliver.

I simply replied, "My father told me about him. I was curious one day and since I was taking over. He didn't seem to be in harm's way and I promised not to say anything. If this got out, I don't know what would happen." Looking at both of them, they nodded and looked like they were processing what I told them about their Beta. I always thought they knew the story, as they were my fathers gamma and delta. Since i told them, they both can keep an extra eye out for their behaviour. 

Sitting in silence until Penny linked saying that the King was following her to my office. "Well boys look lively now, the King is on his way and you both need to give up your seats." Looking amused at the boys and quickly jumped to their feet and hurried to my sides. Both taking my left and leaving the right side for Devon. I mind linked Devon to say he needs to get his butt over to my office. He lives out of the packhouse with his pregnant mate Abigail.

A knock came to my door and I knew who was on the other side. Let the fun begin, note the sarcasm.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now