Somebody Going To Die, Maybe

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Zaliver POV

Standing in the forest with an angry and pissed off Alpha is not good and especially a female one at that. Just watching her was making my own wolf going into hiding. Glancing at her, I see her eyes going back to black, the same ones I saw back in her office. She is breathing heavily and is slightly shaking. I mind linking my Warriors back at the packhouse to go to Beta Devon's cell. I noticed her pack is going back to their posts or going back to their homes. "Lucinda, don't get angry. Think about it. He's getting punished, we can up it. Or something else." River says to her to get to listen but seems it's not working.

The next thing we see is her shifting into her wolf and sprinting off to where Devon is. "Go after her, she will kill him. I've told Oliver what's happened and he's headed to the cells."

"Okay River, my warriors are there also but maybe she might need a king command to snap her out of it." With that, he nods and I shift. I ran quickly to where she went. I feel my own warriors follow me.

It took me 5 minutes to get back, I am the fastest out of all wolves. I see clothes laid out for me which are guessing from Oliver or pack members. I quickly changed back into a human and put the clothes on. I wandered into the packhouse to find the cells. It was a normal door so it won't be scary for the pups within the packs. Plus it did have a warning on it. Reaching that door and opening, the smell of the coldness and rotting flesh does hit the face.

It's not dark dark but it is dark enough to see where you are going. Heading down the steps I hear loud shouting to what seems to be Lucinda and others. Getting closer to the shouting, there were warriors who bowed towards me who lined the way. The cells were empty, so there wasn't a problem with rouges being here. The shouting between people was getting louder. "NO, HE NEEDS TO DIE, HE IS A TRAITOR TO ME AND THE PACK!" I'm guessing that Lucinda and her wolf.

"Yes he does but not like this. Alpha you are not thinking straight." Oliver, he is such a good Gamma. But a good Beta would be better. What I came across when I saw them was my warriors holding on to Lucinda, Oliver was standing with 2 of her warriors standing in front of what was Devon's cell.

"IM FINE!" She shouts. This is not going anywhere, so I had to do something. I moved towards her, with her eyes not moving off Devon, I touched her shoulder and the same sparks ran down my shoulder. It felt her anger levels drop a tad but not enough to get her out of the situation.

"Alpha Lucinda, stand down and calm your wolf now. Otherwise, you will be removed from this situation." I used a King command, which no wolf could not listen to. She looks at me and sees that her wolf had listened to me to her eyes were coming back to her colour. I see that Oliver was relaxing a bit more, as Lucinda is not on the wall path, for now. Not taking my eyes of Lucinda I ask, "Oliver, what happened"

"Devon has been getting punished for his doings, as you know. When River told me to go to the cells. I did that and not long after I got here, Lucinda went straight to the cells but was stopped by me, our and your warriors. No other harm has been issued to Devon while trying to calm down the Alpha" Oliver states.

"Good. Now about this, Oliver take Lucinda to either the office or her room. I will deal with him."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Oliver nodded. He strode to her, took her arm and led her out of the cells. She didn't try to get away or made a fuss. She kept her eyes on me the whole time until she couldn't any longer. I guess she thought better than trying to get on my bad side.

I point to the White Rose warriors, "You two can move from the cell door and back to your post", they nodded and left, I turned to my own, "You two will stay where you are in case someone comes down." They nodded and stood proudly. I saw the keys by the door and used them to enter the cell.

Within the cell, there was a mattress on the floor which sat Devon. "Well well King, come to end me. She is weak, not brave enough to end me. Those two are wimps, they had to send in the big boss. Well, come on then end me." He had the nerve to look me in the eyes and send a smirk my way.

"She is not weak," I say through gritted teeth. "You know why you are here right now."

"Yeah, I'm playing with rogues and leading them to kill the Alpha. So what, I should be Alpha not that little thing nor her parents. They are a weak bloodline, I don't know how they are an alpha family." How can he be this clam, where he may be killed right at this moment.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK ABOUT MY PARENTS LIKE THAT." I turned to see Lucinda standing. How did she come back? Also, how is she not held by my warriors but I see them move an inch forward. "They gave you a home when you were given the role of Beta before you found Abigail, they respected you and they tried their best by being your friend. You even asked for the role of Alpha but you didn't get it. Don't you dare turn what they did for you. I even looked up to you and this is how you repay our kindness towards you."

"Really, I know. Such a shame that they couldn't kill those rogues that were sent to them." I shot him a glare and growl.

"Sent, how can you send rouges?" I asked him, which he gave the look of 'are you kidding me'. Then it hit her, head-on.

"Devon don't tell me it was you who ordered the attack." Lucinda steps forward into the cell and comes to where I was standing. She looked desperate for not to be true but we both knew what it came to.

"So, she does have a brain and used it. I ordered them to attack and for tonight for them to be at the borders to attack again. So you would be seen as weak to the King over there." He was mocking us and agreed that he was behind the attacks.

"Devon, you were family to them and betrayed their trust for your own greed. Betrayed the pack, who you swore to protect with your life. You leave me with no choice." Lucinda walked forward at him, I didn't hold her back because I knew by the power radiating off her that she is going to do something to him. "Beta Devon of White Rose Pack, I Alpha Lucinda of White Rose Pack strip you of Beta power and status. You will be killed at noon in front of the pack." With that, she turns and leaves. Well, at least she didn't kill him right then. You can tell that he was no longer Beta, the aroma has gone and looked weak. I walked out of the cells and locked it back up. I told my men to stay with him and head out of the cells.

What a night, I headed to my temporary room. I would of gone and see how she is but I think she would talk better to somebody closer to her. So when I got to my room, I stripped to my boxers and jumped onto my bed. As soon my head hit that pillow I was out like a light, with the Alpha female on my mind. 

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now