You Are Very Lucky

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Lucinda POV

When the Alpha King walked into my office, I had my game face on. I was still worried about not having Devon here. When he said he wanted to have tea, I mind linked Grace. "Grace would you bring some tea to the Alpha office please and keep an eye out for your Beta, thanks."

"No Problem Dear"

After mind linking and giving the King his papers, which caused a bit of electricity throughout my fingers which nobody really noticed. I peeked to my left and can see Ollie trying to contact Devon via phone. I have tried to contact him via mind link but it seems to have it blocked. When he comes he is in serious trouble.

Grace came quickly and apologised for not seeing Devon. It's not her fault, so she suggests his mate, Abigail. I'm such an idiot for not thinking that. When Grace left the office, I went into deep thought. Thinking of what's was more important than having the meeting with the big boss and also ignoring alpha orders. Suddenly I felt a poke on the left side. With that, I'm out of deep thoughts and looking at the open door. And who is standing there, my missing Beta. So I shouted, " WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DEVON!" To my left, I can hear the other two trying not to laugh.

"I'm so sorry Lucinda, I seem to have lost track of the time. Abigail had me do things for her since you know she's pregnant." Devon said slyly.

"It's Alpha Lucinda to you Beta. I told you about this before and when it was taking place. Also, why were you blocking your link, you know not to." I said angrily at him. I didn't care that the King was here with his half brother.

"Well, I didn't know, Alpha. But shall you continue with this meeting, now that all parties are present." He said while walking to my right side. I saw him give a sly smile towards Beta Carlos and he gave one back.

I looked at the Alpha King and he saw what I also saw. He continued to look through the papers and asked questions on it. I'll spare you what it went through. It was pretty boring and long.

What felt like a lifetime, I sent Oliver and River to show the Alpha King and Beta to the dining hall in the packhouse. Devon was now standing in front of my desk. "What's the matter Lucinda, you look tense."

"Devon, why on all days do you decide that you are late to a meeting. You are never late to those."

"Well, I couldn't leave MY mate when she needed me. But you wouldn't know that cus you don't have one"

"Don't you dare go there. This is not about mates. It's about you and how you are lately acting towards me. It's like you don't want me here." I hissed at him. I can feel my anger levels going into overdrive.

"Yeah it's like that, but don't worry I can't get rid of you since you are soo loved by the pack and it wouldn't be in their best interest."

"Wow, I feel so loved. You are lucky that your half brother is here tonight and I'm letting you see him but tomorrow when he leaves. You are getting punished. Am I understood Beta."

"Crystal clear, Alpha."

"Good, Now get out of my office." He quickly turned and left my office. I sank back into my chair while rubbing my head with my eyes closed. Why the hell is going on with that boy? This is so unlike him. Glancing at the time, it was about half an hour into dinner. I had to make an appearance tonight, so I took a deep breath and headed to eat with everyone.

Approaching the doors, I could hear the members chatting and laughing. Just standing there and taking it all in, I didn't notice River behind me. "I hope you are going in and not just standing there?" I jumped a bit and looked behind me.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now