Let Them Go

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Oliver POV

I grabbed Michual and we both sprinted to the packhouse. I had mind linked warriors to meet us there. I hoped River and Jupiter were both there being held, if not then I don't know what to do?

I arrived at the side of the packhouse and the warriors were waiting for me. I trusted Michual to stay with me because he could help me to convince them to hand them over. Walking closer, there were 5 rogues with a hostage. There was only one, so it could be either one. I growled to get their attention. The leader of the group gave one back. "Who you have hostage, hand them over?" My beta voice is leaking through my words. He laughed at my questions. 

"Nah, I don't take orders from members of the opposite pack. Our leader will win the fight and we can kill this puppy." He looks to Michual. "Michual, you should be with our leader. Why are you here but also standing with the enemy?"

Michual spoke, "Earl, Harrison has been defeated. I saw with my own eyes, the female was taken to be treated. I suggest we leave. Also, the King is here!" The leader, who is called Earl, snarled at Michual. I snarled back.

Then a loud growl came from behind us."Let the wolf go, otherwise, you will be killed." A loud voice of a King sounded. I didn't dare to turn but I knew he would be beside me in seconds. The rogues didn't move. As I said, he was beside me in seconds after he said that. "I won't ask again, let the wolf go. Your leader is not coming for you."

I mind linked warriors to go behind them and on command, they will pounce. "Earl or whatever your name is, what do you gain from this?" I ask because if there is a motive behind this then we can use it.

"Well, we were going to have new land to roam. Harrison as our leader and me as his right-hand man. But that isn't going to happen now. May as well kill this wolf and be on our way." Earl says but even before he finishes the sentence, the King sprinted forward towards them. My warriors notice this and tackle them from behind. I ran forward for my goal was to rescue who they were going to kill. My warriors were taking care of the rogues around Earl whereas the King was having a scrap with him. The rogues were killed in a quick time and they were cleaning up.

I had the hostage in my hands and they squirming around in my hold. I took hold of the bag, that was covering their head. I yank it off to find the person under it. "Jupiter," I say in relief. He looks a bit beaten up and he has silver handcuffs around his wrists. Which is why the connection for him is so weak and non-existing.

"Oliver", He breathed out, while I broke off the silver handcuffs, which caused a bit of pain, "Where is everyone?" He coughed.

"Let's get you to the hospital." I helped him to the hospital building, which was a 2-minute walk. I tell him what's been happening. "Lucinda should be in the hospital getting checked and resting. River still hasn't been found. Harrison is in the cells and looks like his right-hand man Earl is joining him." He just nodded and reached the Hospital. There was a nurse at the reception, she bowed and said 'Beta and Gamma'. They led us to a room and wandered off to get a doctor.

A few moments later, a doctor walks in and bows. "Beta, Gamma, I am Dr Lawson. How can I help you?"

"Hi Doc, Jupiter needs a check-up to see if he is healthy. He has been held hostage by a group of rogues."

"Of course." He says and gets straight to work. He checked on his heart, took blood and gave a physical examination. He went out with the blood and 5 minutes later he was back. "I see the gamma hasn't got anything wrong. As you may know, the silver may have weakened the wolf. So, he will need to rest. The cuts and bruises will fade while the wolf becomes strong again. Apart from that, he is free to go."

"Thanks, doc but do you know how Alpha Lucinda is?" Jupiter asks as I told him she would be here. I think he feels guilty for leaving her in her office to go to the borders. The doctor looked at us and guested us to follow. So we did. A few doors down and he opened up the door and allowed us to step in first.

There on the bed was Lucinda, shifted back into her human form, with a drip in, eyes closed and the steady rise and fall of her chest. "The drip is to keep her comfortable. The fight she was in, pretty used up her energy. This shouldn't have happened, Alpha should be strong. Her cuts and bruises are slowly healing but she should be awake." We both stared at the doctor.

Jupiter asked the question that we both wanted to come quickly. "Do you know when she will wake up?"

The doctor shook his head. "I have a team working why she is like this but I haven't got any idea. I'm sorry Gamma." He took his leave.

"What are we going to do Oliver? Our Alpha is in a sleeping state, River is still missing, Abigail body hasn't been found and we have 2 prisoners to interrogate. Plus an Alpha King on the territory." Jupiter, asked while I rubbed my hands up and down my face. The pack is my responsibility right now, as I'm second in charge if the Alpha is unavailable.

"Round up all the pack, they should be back from the fighting or come up from the bunkers. We will have to tell them. Send the Alpha king my way, I don't want him doing anything without my knowledge. Okay, Jupiter?" He nodded and left the room. I looked at Lucinda. She looks peaceful. I took a chair beside her and took her hand into mine. "You are going to be okay. We need you but I will hold the pack together for you. I will find River and bring him home." I raised both of our hands to my forehead and prayed to the moon goddess.

I didn't hear the door open and in walked the Alpha King. "How is she?" I looked at him. You wouldn't figure he had a fight with Earl.

"She still hasn't woken up from when she blacked out. The doctors don't know when she is going to. I guess Jupiter told you that he is rounding the pack up." He nodded, "Is Earl in the cells?"

"Yeah, he is. There are lots of warriors down there and I sent a few of mine with them. Harrison and Earl's cells are a few apart from each other. They can't see each other but they do know they are both down there." I got up from the chair and took one last look at her and turned my attention to the King.

"Let's go. I need to tell the pack what's happening. Can you be present, so that the pack thinks they are safe because having two high ranking wolves, may not think the pack is not safe." He said yes, so we both left the hospital room and went to the pack's stage in the yard of the packhouse.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now