Phone Calls

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Zaliver POV

The phone was going off in my pocket. But trying to keep interested in what my Beta was saying was slim. This past week has been weird. I have been feeling that something is missing from my life, so I get into the work that I have missed when I have been away for the months from visiting other packs.

"Carlos stop talking and let me answer my phone." He stopped and I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID.  All alpha's have a direct line to my phone in case of emergencies. Lucinda's name came up to which my body felt happy about. "Hello, Alpha King Speaking" I keep my voice natural, even though I want to say it more happily.

"Hello, it's Alpha Lucinda. I am phoning because there is more information about the rogue situation." I groaned because I thought it was over. Carlos looks at me when I do so.

"How so, I thought we dealt with that last week. The person who was working with them is dead because of it?" I was confused, my brain was working overtime to think of what else there would be.

"Apparently, he gave his mate a note about another who is in with them. They are not finished with us yet." I think to myself, another mystery to solve in their pack.

"Have you questioned his mate about the note and isn't she pregnant?" I'm an idiot, that's the stupid question I said to her. She is an Alpha, of course, she would ask her. Wait, why am I questioning my questions and answers to her.

"Yes she is, but she has taken off. We were going to keep an eye on her and she agreed but after handing the note to Beta Oliver she disappeared. The pack is looking for her and letting packs know. Which is also the other reason to let you know."

"Thanks, keep me posted. I may come by to see what's happening."

"Okay. Thanks, Bye." She hangs up before I say bye.

I look at Carlos with a serious face on. He seems to have a calmness around him. "What was that about?" He asks.

"Your half-brother seems to have a partner with the rogues who want to attack White Rose Pack. His mate has disappeared from the pack. Do you have any ideas about this?" A quick emotion crossed his face and before I saw it, it changed.

"No, Zaliver. I didn't have much communication with him as we were both busy with the packs." That is true but what doesn't sit well is that they were both Betas but Devon found time to communicate with rouges. I shouldn't have doubts about my own beta. "You okay, you seem to be lost in thoughts. It's not about the lovely Lucinda again. You must stop thinking about her and her pack. There is a much bigger problem with females."

"Thanks but I don't need you telling me what to think about. Just leave and work on something." He made an angry sound and roughly left the office. Just as I was going to investigate Abigail's family, the phone rang. But it was the office one. Anyone in any of the packs may phone this one if they needed to inform me of any personal information like births and deaths. I answer it, "Hello, Alpha King speaking."

"Hi, this is Jupiter from White Rose Pack." Nice name and I look into whose number is coming from, in case it is fake. I see it's from Beta Oliver's number.

"Jupiter, I see you are calling from Beta Oliver's number. Why is that?"

"Well, he wanted me to make the call since I am the brains in the room at the moment." I could hear Oliver saying some interesting words at him and then a knock at the door. "Anyway, I was looking into Abigail's family and it says she has family in the royal pack. Umm, Finley and Cora Parker. Maybe she might have come into your pack." Well, he did my job for me. In the background of the phone call, you can hear Lucinda and Oliver having a convocation about why he was calling.

"Well thanks, Jupiter, you beat me to look into her family. I will seek them out. Tell me what put me on speakerphone." He must have done it because they were clearly having a debate.

"Oliver, you know it's your job to tell him, he's not..." "Lucinda, he is learning and it's not the personal number. It's the one everyone can use. So not breaking any rules. AND it was his idea in the first place!" "Please, it's about a matter we both are a bit more involved in than him"
Jupiter cut them both off by saying, "Umm, guys, the King on speakerphone." They both cus and I suppress a laugh.

"Thank you, Jupiter. I'm guessing he is going to be your Gamma. He sounds like he knows what he is doing" I comment.

"Yeah, he is, smart ass," Lucinda says proudly.

"Well good. All I wanted to say to all three is that we will find her. I will seek her relatives here in my pack and send my trackers. Keep tabs and report any progress to me. Oliver and Jupiter, any progress you have to tell Lucinda and she will contact me directly. I want to be the first to know as I'm not always at the office phone. Got it." They respond with 'Yes your majesty'. "That's good. Goodbye." And I ended the call. They are a strange bunch but they work well.

The rest of the afternoon went like any other. I had a report of rouges moving around packs but not attacking.

Carlos updates me on the number of deaths of female wolves. Which is still puzzling everyone. I bet it is simple and staring us in the face. I may nick Jupiter from Lucinda. I found Abigail's relatives and they were right they do live in the pack. I would go in the morning.

After dinner with my pack, I went to the office to finish work and my personal phone went off. Of course, it was Lucinda. "It seems you can't keep not wanting to speak to me today."

"Ha not funny. All of us were discussing Abigail. Well, Oliver was bickering with Jupiter with River just standing in the corner and observing. Anyway, they somehow come up with one of us properly Oliver to help see the relatives with you. This is because she is my responsibility of being in my pack and for her safety even if she is working with the rogues. What do you think?"

"I understand your concern but leave it with me." I didn't want to argue with her over the phone.

"But, please tell me if I'm overstepping, one of us may ask questions that you may not think off, seeing that she is from my pack and missing. Other alphas may not do this but I'm not them. Also, I am willing for them to stay there with you. So I can have personal contact with them so I don't disturb you."

"So you are saying that you can spy on me and see if I am doing my job."

"What, no! That's not what I'm getting at. I'm just saying that seeing as we have the inside knowledge of what happens here. Also if Oliver sees them and explains how she acted when he spoke to Abigail before she disappeared." She sounds like she is getting cross but so am I. I process what she has said. I can see where she is right, having Oliver with me would benefit, as he was the last one to be there before she did a runner.

"Ugh fine. I'm not fighting you. I know I shouldn't give in to an Alpha request but I'll let Oliver come over. Let him be here tomorrow morning as I am going to see them. Don't be late."

"Thank you, you won't regret it." Happiness rings in her voice. That changed quickly but then I learnt, when I was with her at her pack, that she changes her mood quickly.

"We will see." I just put the phone down without a goodbye. Ugh, too many phone calls with the same pack. Why couldn't I say no to her? Doesn't matter now. I will wait for Oliver to turn up, as we are not far apart. I get on with some pack work until he arrives.

Female Alpha LucindaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα