Chapter 22

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"An egg. You were holding a dragon's egg." His words mulled around my mind, and I stared at the path in front of me while I thought them over.

If I had found the egg when I was either four or five, then why did I bond with the dragon yesterday and not then? Shouldn't the dragon have hatched when I found him, or was there magic at play?

"Marini," Jonah said, squeezing my arm. He frowned and watched me stir from my thoughts, concern flickering through his eyes. "Are you ok?" he asked when I focused my gaze on him again.

I shook my head and sighed, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yes, I am," I said, rubbing the bridge of my nose when a headache appeared. "Just thinking."

Jonah raised an eyebrow. "About?" He gestured me to continue walking in the direction that we had been going in, indicating that we still had a way to go before we got to the place, whatever that place was.

I nodded my head and continued to follow him down the path, trying to come up with a way to ask my question.

Jonah gave me a few minutes to mull over how I wanted to ask the question before asking, "well?" He raised an eyebrow when I looked at him. "What is it?"

"If I found the egg when I was either four or five, then why is it that I had bonded with him yesterday?" I asked, looking up at my mentor. "It doesn't make any sense."

"I can answer that one," Ardën said, standing from a wooden bench. He looked between Jonah and me before he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, wondering if we had "made up" and if we were on speaking terms.

I nodded my head, answering his silent question, and looked at my dragon when he ran towards me. "Do you know?"

Shilan shook his head. "No," he said. "It is news to me, too."

I frowned but nodded my head before I looked at Ardën. "Well?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why is it that I was just now marked by Shilan when I had found him at a young age?"

"Why don't we sit, so we can explain it to you," Ardën replied, gesturing to the benches lining what looked like to be an arena. "And then we will start training." He gave Jonah a pointed look, and the other male closed his mouth and nodded his head, scowling.

Hesitantly, I nodded my head and walked to the bench with Shilan at my side. I sat down on one and watched Jonah and Ardën sit on the opposite bench in front of me.

Shilan laid his head on my lap and let out a growly purr while I ran my finger across the bridge of his nose. He didn't say a word, but I knew that he was content, happy to be by my side, even if it was only for a little while.

Ardën cleared his throat, and I looked at him. "We didn't meet for the first time during the attack," he said, solemnly, talking about the Shifter and the death of my father and brother. "We first met at the lake after you pulled the egg out of the water."

I furrowed my brows and studied him. I knew that he wasn't lying; I could tell, but I had no idea why I didn't remember meeting him then. However, I didn't remember finding the egg at the age of either four or five, so something else might be the cause of it, the cause of my memory being changed.

"He's right," Jonah said, and I looked at him. He nodded his head. "He was there when you had the egg and saw the whole exchange with the Giant."

"Then... why don't I remember?" I asked. "I mean, shouldn't I remember?"

Ardën shook his head, sadness filling his eyes. "That is one thing that you will not be able to remember," he replied softly. He nodded his head to Shilan. "Your dragon will not be able to help either."

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