Chapter 20

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I walked into the pub later the next evening, exhausted but excited about what the night would bring. I knew that I would be training with my dragon and wondered if Jonah would talk to me this evening since he was supposed to be helping me.

"Come see me," Charles said, pulling my gaze away from the lamp to see that the light was on. He frowned when I made it towards him, and I could tell that he noticed I looked tired. "Had a rough night last night, again?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, sitting down and setting my basket down beside me. I sighed and moved a hand through my hair. "Did Jonah say anything to you?" I bit my lip and glanced at the patrons of the pub, not knowing if they knew what I was.

Charles nodded his head, scowling. "After I found that... creature in the pantry eating the meat." He leaned forward, and I leaned forward as well, knowing that he didn't want anyone else to know what he wanted to say. Concern filled his eyes, and I could tell that he was worried about his friend. "Jonah's been kind of out of it today. Do you know why?" he asked, his voice lowered.

I sighed and moved a hand through my hair. "I think he thinks I hate him or something," I mumbled, flicking my eyes towards the glass lantern to see that it was still lit. I pursed my lips and turned to look at Charles, annoyed. "Did he say for me to wait for the light to flicker off, or what am I supposed to do?"

"You're supposed to eat first, and I am supposed to send you back," Charles replied. He studied me and frowned when he caught my look. "Don't give me that look. They'll help with your family and everyone else. Don't ask me how, because I have no idea."

I bit back a sigh and nodded my head. "Did you make me some food since you were told to?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at this male.

Charles nodded his head. "Everything is ready for you. All you have to do is your tribe thing and then go eat." He gestured for me to go into the back. "After that, I will take you to where Jonah wants you."

"Ok," I said, standing. I walked into the back and offered Charles a tight smile. "I am sorry that he came in," I said, changing the subject while I walked into the back.

Charles shrugged. "Be glad no one else was here," he warned, patting my shoulder. "Some might not take kindly to... him?"

I nodded my head. I felt my dragon's presence in the back of my mind and knew that he was listening to my conversation with the male before me. However, he didn't say a word, but I had a feeling he would if he felt like it.

Charles gestured to the bowl on the table, a fork lying beside it. "You're bowl's right there," he said. "This is what you are eating tonight. You can take a seat at the table if you want. Maron will not mind." He nodded to the female, cooking something on the stove that smelled delicious, and my stomach growled out its protest.

"Maron wouldn't mind as long as she eats," the portly woman said. She looked up and smiled, bowing her head to me. "So, grab your bowl and send some to the Great." She wagged her spoon at Charles. "You go back up front and leave her with me, or else nothing for you."

Charles laughed and nodded his head. "Of course," he said. He grinned before he walked out of the back.

She shook her head and gestured towards the bowl, going back to her business. "Now, you do what you are told to do," she scolded because I hadn't moved from my spot. "Want some bread?"

"Please," I said, my mouth watering at the thought of a piece of her bread. I walked to the table, picked up the bowl, closed my eyes, and took in the warmth and security it gave me. "Did you need anything from the forest?" I asked, opening my eyes and walked to the fire.

"Some herbs," Maron said with a sigh. "I wish that Jonah would have told you that. I am running out. I am going to need them by the end of next week."

I nodded my head and placed some of my food into the fire, praying for guidance and the strength to carry. I also prayed for Jonah in hopes that he'd understand I wasn't mad at him and hoped he would help me.

"Are you planning on going out again soon?" Maron asked when I opened my eyes and walked back to the table. Disapproval filled her voice, and I gave her a curious glance to see a frown on her face.

"It depends," I said, sitting down. I offered her a small smile when she set down some of her bread in front of me.

"On?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips and jutting a hip. She scowled, and her brown eyes flashed in a warning. "It's dangerous, Marini. Why do you want to risk your safety?'

I took a piece of bread she placed in front of me and placed it in my mouth, staying silent. I knew that I couldn't tell her that I was a Rider, the fewer people that knew, the better it was to keep me hidden, but I knew that she would not let me without some explanation.

"Well?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "You don't want to get killed, do you?"

I shook my head. "I won't," I replied. "It'll be hard to kill me, trust me." I took another bite of bread and chewed it, loving the crunch it gave when I bit into it.

Maron scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Of course it will," she muttered. She moved towards the stove and started to finish up some of the cooking she needed to get done. "Go out too many times; you will get caught, Marini," she warned. "The forest can't protect you for long."

I held my tongue and took a bite of the stew, and closed my eyes at the burst of flavor, filling my mouth. I loved Maron's cooking when I was allowed to eat the food, and I always savored the food, not knowing when I could get more.

Maron chuckled and shook her head, and I knew that she caught my blissful look. "I am glad they're going to help," she said, setting something to drink down beside me. "You are too skinny."

I shrugged my shoulder but didn't reply. I knew that she disapproved of me going into the forest, but I knew she would support me if I needed to escape.

All too soon, my food and drink were gone, and I was full for the second time that week. "Thank you, Maron," I said, wiping my face with my sleeve. "I should probably see if the light is out since I am done. I don't Jonah to get mad at me."

Maron huffed and nodded her head towards the door. "Leave the dishes," she said, not turning to look at me. "I will clean it up. If you do go out into the forest, and I know that you will not listen to me, can you pick me up the usual herbs? I am sure that you already know what I need."

I nodded my head. "I will," I promised. I smiled at her and started to walk towards the door but stopped when Maron called out, "Marini." I paused and looked back to see her bowing.

"In all fairness, I am glad that you are the one we were waiting for," she said, not looking up. She bowed deeper. "I can not wait to see what you can do."

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it when she signaled me to stay silent. Curiosity filled my body, but I didn't ask her what she meant, having a feeling that she knew I was a Rider.

"Now, go," she said. "Don't tell anyone what I said. We'll talk in time, Your Highness."

I frowned when she called me "Your Highness," the words of Yaramon echoing in my ear when she called me "Princess."

Was it connected? It could be, but I didn't know what it meant. I knew that I couldn't ask Maron because she signaled for me not to speak and to leave.

So, I left the kitchen with a nod for goodbye and walked to the front of the store to see Charles waiting for me, leaning against the counter.

"Light's off," he said. "Go on back. He said that you'd be collected in your normal room."

I nodded my head, collected my basket, and started to walk towards the beaded entrance before looking at Charles. "I'll see you when I leave."

Charles smiled and nodded his head before watching as I walked through the back to my normal meeting place.

I had no idea who would collect me, and I prayed that it was either Jonah or Ardën.

Only they would be able to tell me why Silan's mark didn't turn gold, for it had to turn gold. It normally turned gold when I touched it, and I had no idea why.

The Last Dragon Rider (Book 1 of Rider Series)Where stories live. Discover now