Alex Vause- Maybe (c)

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The bed in your bunk was barely big enough for you to sleep on but you and your girlfriend Alex were curled up together, enjoying the closeness the bed forced. Alex had her arms wrapped around you, her chin resting on your shoulder as she let her fingers toy with the hem of your orange shirt. It was rare that there would be time that the two of you got to just cuddle and act as though life was normal. Prison wasn't normal. It was a hellish world that you weren't going to escape anytime soon. Nevertheless, you enjoyed the moment of normalcy that the two of you thrived on.

"If only this was a normal sized bed in a normal sized room," you sighed.

"If only we were normal people," Alex added.

You rolled your eyes at her, allowing your hand to move to lace your fingers with hers. You knew that you weren't normal, you were in prison after all, you'd done wrong and knew you had to face the consequences for your crimes. Even though you accepted your punishment, it didn't mean you had to be happy about it.

"Maybe one day we will be," you offered, hopeful that once you were out of Lichfield Penitentiary, you and Alex would be able to have a normal life. Blind hope was all you had left.

"Maybe," she shrugged, holding you tightly in her arms. "Maybe we will get a cottage away from everyone else, in the middle of nowhere with a lot of land."

A smile curled onto your lips. You'd always wanted to live somewhere rural, but it'd never been on your cards.

"We could get a dog and go for long walks as the sun sets or stay out on our porch and watch the stars," you grinned, wishing desperately for the future the two of you were painting would come true.

"That'd be nice," she nodded, leaning in to press her lips to your neck lovingly.

"We could carve our names into the tree in our garden and maybe tie up a swing for our kids."

"Kids?" She questioned, using her finger to turn your chin so that you could look her in the eyes.

You shrugged, attempting to avoid eye contact with her.

"Maybe kids. I don't know. I guess I've always wanted to be a mum one day."

Alex pressed her lips to your cheek. "Then maybe one day you will."


Written by Charlotte.

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