Poussey Washington- Release Date (c)

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When you'd entered Lichfield Penitentiary you had a three-year sentence but now you were down to a month. You thought you'd be counting down the days since you'd been there but weirdly enough you begun to enjoy being in prison. You never thought that you would love being in a prison and honestly you didn't but having met your girlfriend from being in the same prison, you wouldn't have changed it.

Never would you and Poussey have met in the real world. She had travelled a lot due to her Father being in the military whilst you hadn't really left your small town. Your worlds were different but no matter the paths you'd both gone down, you ended up in prison together and now you were in love.

There was a month until you were going to get out of prison, and you did fear you would miss her dearly, other than her release date was the week after yours. In five week's time the two of you would be out of prison and would be able to try and have a normal life together. Just five weeks more and this hell would be over, and you'd get a chance to do everything you dreamed of together.

For now, though, you curled up on her bunk, your head on her chest whilst she played with your messy hair.

"Would you want to go back to Missouri?" She asked you.

You shook your head. "At least not back to my hometown. Nothing is there. Well my parents live there but that's more than enough reason to not go back. Nothing has happened in my town since it was founded, and even that is the least popular bit of news in its history."

You could feel the laugh rumble through her as she verbally agreed.

"I liked Germany, maybe we could head back there?" She offered as answer. "Move in with my dad... or you said your sister in Indiana would let us stay with her right?"

"Yeah, we could stay with family until we can get enough money to head to Germany for a fresh start. I've always wanted to go to Europe."

Poussey leaned down to kiss the top of your head.

"I don't care where we live, as long as we get out of here and we stay together."

"Isn't it going to be great to have our lives back, but lives together?" You grinned. "It's going to be amazing."

"It really is."


Written by Charlotte.

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