Piper Chapman- Alex (a)

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It was quite a quiet day at Lichfield, for the first time in a while there was no major problems, no race wars brewing and since Mendez was put on leave there was a much lower chance of being sexually assaulted than normal. For once everybody was relaxed and just enjoying life in prison to the best of their ability. You and Chapman had found yourself sat on the floor, leaning against a wall as all of the benches had been taken up by different gangs and you didn't feel like breaking the peace by starting a fight.

"Did you have any idea what you were getting into when you started bumping uglies with that one?" You nodded towards Alex and spoke quietly enough so she wouldn't hear you from across the yard.

"Kind of." Piper followed her across the yard with her eyes, every time Alex was mentioned she emitted this aura, a perplexing mix of hatred and lust.

"Oh, come on, you know that you can't just leave it at that. We're in here together for a long ass time Chapman, I'm gonna get it out of you one way or another so better to just get it out of the way with now." She rolled her eyes and rolled up the trousers on her beige trousers so that she could outstretch her legs to soak up some rare sunlight.

"I knew what I was getting into, just not what I was getting into, you know what I mean?" She looked over at you with her hand raised to cover her face from the sun, SPF 20 wasn't exactly easily accessible in your current situations.

"Not really."

"I knew that she wasn't exactly your everyday girl, but there was something about that that made me crave her. What I didn't know was that she was a psycho bitch who was going to be willing to throw me in the shit at a moment's notice and that she was going to break up my marriage."

"Well you can't really blame her for that, nobody made you dive between her legs."

Her mouth fell agape in shock.

"She did make me!"

"What, did she hold your head down there whilst you fought to get away?"

"Well she might as well have done." Piper protested. "She just has this fucking tractor beam that pulls me to her whenever she's close."

"Pulls you to her or pulls you into her?"


Written by Aaron.

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