Maritza Ramos- Cake (c)

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Once you had been an avid baker, but hobbies weren't exactly supported in a prison situation. You never thought you would end up in prison, but you hoped desperately that you kept your positivity and tried your best to not let this affect who you were as it did for so many people. You had made a stupid decision and ended up here, at least this was time you could use to do something productive.

You had a job in the kitchens, but it wasn't overly fulfilling. Most of the food came from packets or was unimaginative or bland. You understood the restrictions of prison, but it didn't make it any less boring. Luckily you were imaginative and seen as you knew your best friend's birthday was coming up, you decided to head to the kitchens early to do something special for her before breakfast.

You told her to meet you twenty minutes before your work duty was meant to start, which confused Maritza, but she agreed regardless. You were there far earlier seen as you needed to improvise a lot. For her birthday, you wanted to bake her a cake, but real eggs and milk were luxuries that Lichfield Penitentiary didn't offer. Nonetheless you used what you could find and made a cake. It didn't taste half bad, although it would have been significantly nicer if you had fresh ingredients.

A yawn came from the doorway and you noticed a very tired Maritza coming into the room.

"Good morning, birthday girl," you grinned, holding out the cake on one of the breakfast trays, no candles, just the cake.

"It's too early for it to be my birthday," she yawned.

"Nonsense," you berated. "I made you a cake. I'm sorry if it sucks."

She gave you a tired smile, taking the tray out of your hand. She grabbed a knife and cut out a slice, taking a bite out of it. No matter how bad it was, it was likely better than whatever you were meant to be having for breakfast.

"It's not the best cake I've ever had," she said with her mouth half full. "But it's better than anything we have around here."

"I'll take that as a compliment," you commented.

"It was meant to be."

You rolled your eyes at her, taking a slice for yourself.

"Maybe if there was something fresh in here, I would be able to make something half decent. I used to love baking. Honestly I think making a good batch of cookies is one of the things I miss the most."

She offered you a sympathetic smile, both you in the same boat stuck in a prison. "Well one day we'll both be out of here and you can make me those cookies."

You nodded your head. "That'd be great."


Written by Charlotte.

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