Artesian McCullough- Fear (c)

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Artesian and yourself were the only female correctional officers at Lichfield Penitentiary. It had made you felt empowered before, knowing that even if your male co-workers saw you as nothing, you were able to do the same job as them, if not better. However now, it wasn't as great. You were both stood on a stage in nothing more than your bra and knickers whilst two of your male colleagues were in the undies on the other side with a handful of students stood between you. You knew your job could be dangerous, but you didn't think an inmate would be murdered leading to a prison riot and you being held hostage.

The two of you stood close as Ruiz shouted about the hellish conditions they were forced into in the prison along with what they would do to all of you. None of it was pleasant and you were terrified that you were going to end up dead.

One of them had a gun, you were pretty sure that it was Diaz, but she didn't seem to have it anymore. Your head was spinning, and you were pretty sure you would end up throwing up out of pure fear.

Artesian moved her hand slightly so that your fingers brushed. She had been in the armed forces in Afghanistan and she had always been the bravest person you knew, but with the expression on her face, and how she had begged Ramos for freedom. Even in the danger the two of you were in, she still went out of her way to make sure that you were okay.

You looked to her, and she gave you a weak almost impossible smile. Even if it was barely anything, it gave you hope. It made you feel like you could get through this even though there would likely be a gun to your head soon.

"It is going to be okay," she whispered to you.

You were dubious whether it would be all okay, but as long as the two of you were together you were going to attempt to keep your chin up.

"Thank you," you whispered.

Truly you had hoped Ruiz would continue to rant and rave, not going through with anything, but you had seen Humphrey shot by Diaz, and as Ruiz turned to you, you knew your life was now going to be held in the hands of the inmates. a


Written by Charlotte.

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