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"You're too young to let the world break you."


A S  F A L C O N  walked towards his father's hospital room, his heart slowly sunk to the bottom of his stomach. Each step he took felt like he was dragging led, his pace slowing as the room came into view.

He was awake. His father was awake.

Falcon could barely breathe. Memories filled his head and he started to question why he was even doing this. Why was he going to see his father when he knew he was awake? Why did he care?

For the life of him, Falcon couldn't think of an explanation for his actions. He felt obligated to do it; he was his father, after all.

Falcon finally reached the door to his father's room and his feet were suddenly frozen. He could hear low murmuring coming from inside. One distinct voice. One that was most definitely not his father.

Someone was already there.

Falcon took in a deep breath before pushing the door open. Every cell in his body tensed as a familiar face came into view; his jaw clenched and his hands formed fists at his sides.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Falcon shot daggers across the room towards his brother's smug face.

"Can't a son visit his father?" Kace grinned.

Falcon felt adrenaline pulse through his body, urging him to flatten the man's smiling face.

He decided to stay quiet and turned his eyes towards his father instead. Colour had returned to his once lifeless cheeks and the dark circles that had once been a permanent fixture on his face had vanished.

Falcon felt the urge to ask if he had woken up, but his pride wouldn't allow him to utter a word to his brother.

After a few minutes of silence, Kace spoke again.

"How's your little girlfriend?" the question had Falcon's burning gaze turning back to him in seconds.

"None of your business," Falcon growled.

Kace held his hands up in mock surrender.

"I mean no offence," he smiled. "It was just a question."

Falcon walked forward till he was towering over Kace by a few inches.

"You don't ask about her," he hissed. "You don't talk about her. You don't even think about her."

He emphasised each point with a harsh shove at Kace's chest.

"Or what?" Kace grinned up at him. "You'll hurt me?"

Falcon's teeth ground together as every cell in his body screamed for blood.

"Till you wish you were dead," he growled.

Kace chuckled slightly, taking a step away as he rubbed at his stubble jaw.

"Whatever you say little bro," he shrugged nochalantely.

Falcon took in a deep breathe; his patience wearing thin.

"Look," he said lowly. "I don't know what kind of fucked up ideas you have to get me to come back to the gang, but keep her out of it. I swear to god Kace. You touch her again and I'm going to fucking kill you."

The grin on Kace's face seemed to grow at his words and Falcon felt his chest tighten.

"Don't you worry about that," Kace held his hands behind his back and watched Falcon like troublesome kid. "I'm not worried about you coming back."

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