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"It terrifies me what I would do for you."


" B A B Y , "  F A L C O N ' S  nerves skyrocketed as Freya stared at him with a puzzled look. "Say something."

He sat them down at a nearby table, shifting her so she sat comfortably in his lap, legs either side of him. He placed his cone in a holder on the table and his wallet and phone next to it as Freya tilted her head in confusion. Falcon's face fell at the lack of an answer.

She raised a hand to his face, tracing the line of his jaw before answering.
"Aren't I already?" She asked innocently.

Falcon didn't think it was possible for his heart to swell with so much love for a single person. It felt so full; full of her. A grin stretched across his lips as he laughed.
"Only if you want to be, sweetheart," His eyes trailed over the contours of her face, adoration clear in his expression. "Is it what you want?"

Freya bit her bottom lip nervously, nodding her head in response as she played with the edge of the serviette wrapped around the base of her ice cream cone. Falcon's grin only grew as he tugged her closer, pressing a kiss to her cheek before settling his face in the crook of her neck.
"Thank you," He mumbled softly.

Freya made a noise to indicate that she had heard him as she continued eating away at her slowly melting ice cream. Soft kisses were pressed against the skin of her neck and she tilted her head slightly but her attention remained on her treat. Falcon's lips nibbled their way up her jaw before Freya's ice cream was claimed by his fingers and placed next to his own.

She whined in protest, but her mouth was soon covered with Falcon's own. He could taste the faint flavour of raspberries as he stroked her tongue with his, coaxing the kiss deeper as her arms wound around his neck.

All thoughts on what was deemed appropriate in a public space flew out the window as Falcon gripped onto her thighs. Freya's hands found themselves at the back of Falcon's head, her fingers intertwining themselves in his hair to hold her steady. She sat up in her spot, shuffling closer to his body and Falcon aided the move, his hands sliding behind her and pushing her into him.

Freya's heart beat so fast against her chest it was almost painful and Falcon was no better off. Their chests ached for something more, their hands gripping each other harder in an effort to quench the longing in their souls. Something in them knew they didn't have much time left. It had been a blissful week, but illusions of perfection could only last so long.

Their moment was shattered by a phone call. Falcon glanced at the screen of his phone that laid on the table.

A phone call he had been expecting.

His jaw clenched, his body tensing in preparation for the conversation he knew was about to happen. He pressed on last hard kiss to Freya's lips before tearing himself away, lifting her off his lap and handing her her ice cream.
"Let's go, baby," He said, letting the phone ring out before it quickly resumed.

"Who's that?" Freya asked as Falcon collected his things.

He saw her peeking around his arm to glance at the phone and quickly clicked off the screen.
"No one to worry about, baby girl," He put the phone on silent, stuffing it in his pocket where it continued to vibrate.

"Come on," Falcon grabbed her small hand in his, leading her out of the store.

Freya senses his urgency and finished off her ice cream just before her helmet was pulled over her head. He strapped it under her chin, ensuring it was on properly before loosely tightening up his own in a rush.
"Fa-Falcon?" Freya felt her heart skip with adrenaline as Falcon lifted her onto his bike. "Wha-what's wrong?"

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