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"All I need: the stars, the moon, the sea, and your hand in mine."

~Mark Anthony~


S E E I N G  A  text from Freya pop up on his screen always sent Falcon's heart into overdrive. Seeing a text from Freya that read "we need to talk" sent his heart crashing to the pit of his stomach.

He knew their situation was beginning to take its toll on their relationship, but he had been hoping that she hadn't noticed. However, apparently, she had and reading such an unusually serious text had him scared.

Falcon had been travelling in the elevator to one of the lower floors of the building to pick up some papers when his phone had vibrated in the pocket of his slacks.

Yes, slacks. He was even wearing a business shirt, tucked in and complete with a tie. He was surprised too.

Stepping out of the elevator, he paused for a moment, looking down at the phone in his hands as he tried to decide what to do. He was already on a tight schedule in general and then add on the fact that he had been late to a meeting because he had been too enraptured with speaking to his girl.

His heart stuttered out of anxiety and frustration and in that moment, he made the split-second decision to call her.

The haunting dial tone did nothing to calm his nerves and he leaned against the wall beside the elevator, stuffing a hand into the pocket of his slacks as he waited for Freya to pick up the phone.

Finally, a familiar crackling fills the speaker, followed by Freya's voice. Falcon shot up slightly, standing a little straighter as if she could see him.

"Hi?" her voice was questioning and Falcon could practically see her forehead all scrunched up in confusion. "I thought you were working?"

Falcon's nerves rose at the sound of her voice and out of nervous habit, he cleared his throat before speaking.
"Uh, yeah, I was," his hand escaped the confines of his pocket to run through his hair a few times. "But you wanted to, uh, talk?"

He cleared his throat quietly as the harsh beating of his heart filled his ears.
"Oh!" Freya's soft voice graced him again. "No, no. It's okay. It's not that important. We can talk about it later."

Relief flooded Falcon's veins but his brow creased in confusion as he tilted his head slightly to the side.
"Wha-Are you okay?" he questioned. "Did something happen?"

"No, I'm alright," Freya assured. "I just wanted to talk to you about... talking to you."

Falcon was stumped.

"More," she added as an afterthought. "Yeah. Talking to you more."

That certainly hadn't been what he was expecting. Falcon's confusion grew with the short silence between them, but Freya broke it before he found the words to say.

"I know you're busy and everything, but," she let out a little huff. "I just... I just want to talk to you more. I feel like we don't talk enough. And I know that's stupid because we talk every day, it's just so different to how we used to be and it scares me-"

"Baby," Falcon bit his lip to contain the smile that threatened to stretch across his face. "I know our relationship has changed and I'm busier than I used to be, but if you want us to talk more, we'll talk more. Okay? Don't feel that it's a stupid thing to ask."

He could hear her pouting as she responded.
"I just don't want to bother you," she mumbled.

Falcon couldn't help the way she melted away every harsh edge of his heart.
"Sweetheart, don't ever think you're a bother," he said firmly. "You're my girl, baby. It's not a bother to make you happy."

InnocenceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora